AGM 2021 Review

This year’s AGM, our first held virtually, opened with introductions from your Full-Time Officers who presented the meeting.

This year’s AGM, our first held virtually, opened with introductions from your Full-Time Officers who presented the meeting. Following introductions and an explanation about how motions work and how attendees were able to vote on motions, your Societies and Services Officer, Georgia-Rose Gleeson, ran attendees through the audited account for the previous year. They showed another year of effective financial management in what has been a difficult time for many charities.

We than ran through some of the achievements made by the SU since the last AGM, including three wins at the NUS Wales Awards, for Officer Team of the Year, Campaign of the Year for Movember, and the Liberation and Equality Award for Black History Month.

This was followed by the Trustee Report where the Officers ran through all the campaigns that they have run this year. Followed by a video from the Officers explaining a little bit about what they have been up to. You can watch the video below.

Education Officer, Theresa Ogbekhiulu, and Welfare Officer Liza Leibowitz, ran through some of the excellent work our Part-Time Officers have done, such as Miles Singleton, Students With Disabilities Officer, who helped in the planning and running of the Disability History Month campaign, and Vivienne Dodd who co-founded and assists in the running of the Trans Non-Binary Support group (TNBS).

We then moved on to SU Elections 2021, which was presented by Sports Officer, Georgia Smith. Georgia gave a run through of what the Elections are, what officer positions are available, and some key dates for prospective candidates to be aware of.

Following this section, we moved onto Motions. This is the part of the AGM when anyone can submit a motion to make a change to how the SU runs. Welsh Affairs Officer, Katie Phillips, explained how motions are presented and voted on.

One motion was put forward for debate and vote on. Proposed by Georgia-Rose Gleeson and seconded by Liza Leibowitz, the Motion was titled ‘TNBS Support Group Instituted in the Trans and Non-Binary PTO Job Description’ which would require TNBS and its responsibilities to fall under the job description of the Trans and Non-Binary Part-Time Officer, whilst supported by the Welfare Officer or another Full-Time Officer.

When put to a vote this motion did not pass.

Finally, the AGM was rounded off with Officer Questions, where your Officers answered questions on a range of issues from the possibility of the dockyard returning, the SU’s stance on the Rent Strike, mental health and support provision put in place in the last year, and how to encourage societies and sports clubs to engage with new members during lockdown periods.

If you would like to watch the AGM back, you can do so below.


Agorodd CCB eleni, ein cyntaf i gael ei gynnal yn rhithwir, gyda chyflwyniadau gan y Swyddogion Llawn-amser a gyflwynodd y cyfarfod. Yn dilyn y cyflwyniadau ac esboniad am sut mae cynigion yn gweithio a sut roedd mynychwyr yn gallu pleidleisio ar gynigion, eglurodd y Swyddog Cymdeithasau a Gwasanaethau, Georgia-Rose Gleeson, y cyfrif archwiliedig ar gyfer y flwyddyn flaenorol. Dangosodd y rhifau flwyddyn arall o reolaeth ariannol effeithiol mewn cyfnod sydd wedi bod yn gyfnod anodd i lawer o elusennau.

Yna, trafodon ni rai o lwyddiannau UM ers y CCB diwethaf, gan gynnwys tair buddugoliaeth yng Ngwobrau UCM Cymru, am Dîm Swyddogion y Flwyddyn, Ymgyrch y Flwyddyn ar gyfer Movember, a'r Wobr Rhyddhad a Chydraddoldeb ar gyfer Mis Hanes Pobl Dduon .

Dilynwyd hyn gan Adroddiad yr Ymddiriedolwyr lle bu'r Swyddogion yn trafod yr holl ymgyrchoedd y maent wedi'u cynnal eleni. Roedd hyn wedi'i ddilyn gan fideo gan y Swyddogion yn egluro ychydig am yr hyn maen nhw wedi bod yn ei wneud. Gellir gwylio'r fideo isod.

Roedd y Swyddog Addysg, Theresa Ogbekhiulu, a’r Swyddog Lles Liza Leibowitz, wedi trafod gwaith rhagorol ein Swyddogion Rhan-amser, fel Miles Singleton, y Swyddog Myfyrwyr ag Anableddau, a helpodd i gynllunio a chynnal yr ymgyrch Mis Hanes Anabledd, a Vivienne Dodd a gydsefydlodd a chynorthwyodd y grwp Cymorth Traws a Di-deuaidd (TNBS).

Yna symudwyd ymlaen at Etholiadau UM 2021, a gyflwynwyd gan y Swyddog Chwaraeon, Georgia Smith. Eglurodd Georgia beth yw'r Etholiadau, pa swyddi sydd ar gael, a rhai dyddiadau allweddol i ddarpar ymgeiswyr fod yn ymwybodol ohonynt.

Yn dilyn yr adran hon, symudon ni ymlaen i’r Cynigion. Dyma'r rhan o'r CCB pan all unrhyw un gyflwyno cynnig i newid sut mae'r UM yn cael ei gynnal. Esboniodd y Swyddog Materion Cymru, Katie Phillips, sut mae cynigion yn cael eu cyflwyno a'u pleidleisio.

Cyflwynwyd un cynnig ar gyfer dadl a phleidlais. Wedi'i gynnig gan Georgia-Rose Gleeson a'i eilio gan Liza Leibowitz, teitl y Cynnig oedd 'Grwp Cymorth TNBS fel rhan o Swydd Ddisgrifiad y Swyddog Rhan-amser Traws a Di-deuaidd' a fyddai'n ei gwneud yn ofynnol i TNBS a'i gyfrifoldebau ddod o dan swydd ddisgrifiad y Swyddog Rhan-amser Traws a Di-deuaidd, gan dderbyn cefnogaeth y Swyddog Lles neu Swyddog Llawn-amser arall.

Pan roddwyd at bleidlais, ni phasiwyd y cynnig hwn.

Yn olaf, daeth y CCB i ben gyda Sesiwn Holi’r Swyddogion, lle atebodd y Swyddogion gwestiynau ar ystod o faterion o'r posibilrwydd y byddai'r Dockyard yn dychwelyd, safbwynt UM ar y Streic Rhent, darpariaeth iechyd meddwl a chymorth a roddwyd ar waith yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, a sut i annog cymdeithasau a chlybiau chwaraeon i ymgysylltu ag aelodau newydd yn ystod cyfnodau cloi.

Os hoffet ti wylio'r CCB, gellir gwneud hynny isod.

Swansea University Students' Union