At this year's AGM, there was plenty of debate on seven motions submitted by students. Among these was a motion to scrap Rent Retainers and a motion for NUS Wales to work more closely with students' unions. All Swansea University students were offered the chance to submit a motion and debate any motion at the AGM.

Following the AGM, the results of the motions are as follows:

  • Living Wage Motion for NUS UK - Passed
  • Living Wage Motion for NUS Wales - Passed
  • People's Vote Motion for NUS UK - Withdrawn
  • People's Vote Motion for NUS Wales - Withdrawn
  • Rent Retainer for NUS UK - Passed
  • Rent Retainer for NUS Wales - Passed
  • NUS Wales Motion on Reaching out to Campuses (Wales) - Passed

You can watch the Officer Accountability video here.

We asked the officers any questions they didn't get a chance to answer at the AGM. Here's what they said:

1. About the bus pass you had mentioned, only for ages 18-22, there are many courses with students who are older than 22, especially in courses that may have 4 or more years. What can be done about this?
Chris (Societies and Services): The MyTravelPass is a Welsh Government initiative and they have decided it is only on offer for people until their 22nd birthday. I would have loved it if they extended it to anyone who is a student, similar to the young person railcard, but unfortunately they have not. I raised this concern with an NUS Wales President candidate and I hope it is something NUS Wales can pressure the Welsh Government for. 

2. Stores have been moved a lot recently. Will it have a permanent home with a clear system soon?
Chris (Societies and Services): The society storage space has been moved a lot recently due to the SU also being moved. We hope by the end of this academic year, that societies storage will have a permanent home in Fulton House. 

3. Why have there been so many room booking issues with Estates this year?
Chris (Societies and Services): We can only imagine how frustrating it has been for quite a few societies this year, and we apologise. However, we do try our best! There have been a couple of issues this year, and sadly as the academic year has gone on, some of it has snowballed a bit. However, it all seems to be coming together again now, and hopefully that means the rest of the academic year will work out smoothly! Part of the issue was that lecture timetabling had to be sorted before society bookings could be done. Another part of the issue is that space that the Union used to be able to book now is no longer available for booking, and that has meant that a lot of bookings have had to be reshuffled. There were also some societies that didn't put in bookings straight away for the entire academic year, which meant that at times other bookings squeezed in sneakily, but most of these have hopefully been rectified. Most of you already do this, but just a reminder that the sooner you put a booking in to Geri, the more likely it is that you'll get the room(s) you are requesting! Geri is there to help you, so know you can always drop by. (She'll gladly show you pictures of her favourite puppy too!)

4. Recently, to increase capacity First Cymru have replaced new single decker buses with 20-year-old double decker buses. How are we combatting the environmental impacts?
Chris (Societies and Services): The buses had to be switched to double deckers due to the very high demand for the bus service. Although they are old, they are still better for the environment than students driving individually to either campus. With the single deckers, it left students waiting longer to get on a bus with room, and be on a very busy bus when they did manage. It is important to keep bus users happy, otherwise they may switch to driving.   

5. Why are things so expensive? I feel like places like Tafarn Tawe are overpriced when it is aimed towards students. Do the establishments need to be making this much profit?
Chris (Societies and Services): I believe Tafarn Tawe offers very good value for money. A pint of Fosters or Strongbow only costs £2, a tea is £1 and a huge portion of dirty fries or nachos is only £4.

6. How do you currently support or plan to support smaller societies?
Chris (Societies and Services): Hopefully everyone knows that any and all support wanted and/or needed is available for societies, regardless of their size! As far as we are concerned, all societies are equal. Geri and I are always there to answer any questions, offer guidance, help set up things on the website, get rooms booked, etc. I hope new societies, especially, know they can reach out, as they've just gotten set up and that often requires a fair amount of communication, so hopefully it is just about people being reminded that there are people within the Union more than happy to help however they can!

7. How do you think a new building will improve social experiences on Bay?
Gwyn (President): The plans for the new building on Bay Campus have social spaces for students, as well as shops, a coffee shop, a bar, and hopefully even a nightclub. This should give Bay Campus more of an atmosphere and make it easier for students to meet one another and socialise outside of lectures.

8. What are you doing about the increased rate of sexual assault?
Grace (Welfare): The SU has set up a Sexual Assualt Referal working group in partnership with the University's Wellbeing Services. We’re currently in the process of getting key members of staff trianed as Sexual Violence Liason Officers who'll be specially trained to provide adequate and consistent support to those that need it. We’re also ensuring we have better information/advice and signposting on the SU and Uni's websites and we're in the process of updating these pages. 

9. Can the Sports Swansea membership cover other fees for each individual sport such as cost for equipment and attending each session as well?
Sophie (Sports): The cost of Sport Swansea membership is £20 for non-BUCS sports, which covers personal and equipment insurance, £10 off gym membership, a discounted Varsity ticket, free wetsuit hire, free squash and tennis racket hire at the sports village, discounted First Aid coaching and ref courses, and 2 parking permits per club. The BUCS Sport Swansea membership at £28 is for BUCS clubs and covers clubs for all of the above plus all BUCS transport, preferential training times and BUCS accommodation. It is then up to individual clubs to ask members to cover training fees, so Sport Swansea is unable to ask for a set cost.

10. Why are some lectures recorded but not others?
Chloe (Education Officer): Lecture recording has been consistently raised as something that would help students and something that we want. Unfortunately, plans to introduce it across the whole University for next academic year have been put on hold due to finances. Hopefully, it will be introduced for the 20/21 academic year, and I hope the next Education Officers continue to push for it. In the meantime, there is a lot of good work in Colleges introducing lecture recording measures for individual modules using less costly methods (such as just recording an audio alongside the presentation), however this is down to individual lecturers.

The next opportunity for students to hold the Union to account is May 14th at the Student Forum on Bay Campus. All students are welcome to come and have your voices heard!



Yn y Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol, cafodd saith cynnig eu cyflwyno a’u dadlau arnynt gan nifer o fyfyrwyr. Ymysg rhain oedd cynnig i gael gwared ar Ddalwyr Rhent a chynnig i UCM Cymru weithi'n agosach ag undebau myfyrwyr Cymru. Roedd gan bob myfyriwr y cyfle i gyflwyno cynnig a dadlau arnynt. Digwyddodd bleidleisio drwy bapurau pleidleisio a chafon nhw eu cyflwyno i Undeb y Myfyrwyr i gael eu cyfri.

Yn dilyn y CCB, mae canlyniadau’r cynigion isod:

  • Cynnig Cyflog Byw ar gyfer UCM DU - Pasiwyd
  • Cynnig Cyflog Byw ar gyfer UCM Cymru - Pasiwyd
  • Cynnig Pleidlais y Bobl ar gyfer UCM DU - Tynnwyd
  • Cynnig Pleidlais y Bobl ar gyfer UCM Cymru - Tynnwyd
  • Daliwr Rhent ar gyfer UCM DU - Pasiwyd
  • Daliwr Rhent ar gyfer UCM Cymru - Pasiwyd
  • Cynnig UCM Cymru ar Estyn allan i Gampysau (Cymru) - Pasiwyd

Gellir gwylio fideo Atebolrwydd y Swyddogion yma.

Gofynnon ni'r swyddogion unrhyw gwestiynau nad oedd cyfle i'w gofyn yn y CCB. Dyma eu hatebion:

1. Mae'r tocyn bws ar gael i bobl rhwng 18-22 oed, ond mae nifer o gyrsiau gyda myfyrwyr dros 22 oes, yn enwedig cyrsiau gyda mwy na 4 blwyddyn. Beth allwch chi wneud am hwn?
Chris (Cymdeithasau a Gwasanaethau): 
Mae'r MyTravelPass yn gynllun Llywodraeth Cymru a nhw sydd wedi penderfynu bod y tocyn ar gael i bobl hyd at eu 22ain penblwydd. Hoffwn i fod y cynllun wedi'i hehangu i unrhyw fyfyriwr, fel y tocyn trên i bobl ifanc. Rydw i wedi codi hwn gydag ymgeisydd Llywydd UCM Cymru a gobeithiaf y bydd UCM Cymru yn lobio Llywodraeth Cymru am hyn.

2. Mae storfeydd wedi cael eu symud yn aml yn ddiweddar. A fydd gan y storfa system clir cyn bo hir?
Chris (Cymdeithasau a Gwasanaethau): 
Mae storfa'r cymdeithasau wedi newid lot yn ddiweddar oherwydd UM yn symud. Gobeithiwn bydd gan storfa'r cymdeithasau gartref go iawn yn Nh
y Fulton erbyn diwedd  y flwyddyn academaidd.

3. Pam oes cymaint o broblemau gyda bwcio ystafelloedd eleni?
Chris (Cymdeithasau a Gwasanaethau): Gallwn ni ond dychmygu pa mor rhwystredig mae hynny wedi bod i gymdeithasau eleni, ac mae'n flin gennym, ni. Ond, rydyn ni'n gwneud ein gorau! Mae ychydig o broblemau wedi codi eleni, ac yn anffodus, wrth i'r flwyddyn fynd ymlaen, mae rhai wedi mynd yn waeth. Ond, mae popeth yn dod at ei gilydd nawr, a gobeithio bod hyn yn golygu bydd gweddill y flwyddyn yn iawn! 
Daeth rhan o'r broblem o amserlenni ddarlithoedd gan fod rhaid iddynt gael eu trefnu cyn archebion ystafelloedd. Daeth rhan arall o'r Undeb yn colli llefydd a oedd ar gael i gymdeithasau, felly roedd rhaid i bethau newid o gwmpas. Hefyd, nid oedd rhai cymdeithasau wedi trefnu eu harchebion ar gyfer y flwyddyn yn syth, felly roedd rhaid i ni drefnu nhw ar y funud olaf, ond gobeithio bod y rhain wedi cael eu trefnu nawr. Mae rhan fwyaf o gymdeithasau'n gwneud hyn yn barod, ond cofiwch i ofyn i Geri yn syth, a bydd mwy o debygrwydd i chi gael yr ystafell. Mae hi wastad ar gael i helpu, felly dewch heibio i'w gweld hi. (Bydd hi'n dangos lluniau i chi o'ch hoff gi, hefyd!)

4. Yn ddiweddar, i gynyddu capasiti, mae First Cymru wedi newid i fysiau dwbwl 20 oed o fysiau newydd. Sut ydyn ni'n mynd i'r afael â'r effeithiau amgylcheddol?
Chris (Cymdeithasau a Gwasanaethau): 
 Roedd rhaid i'r bysiau newid i rai dwbwl oherwydd y galw am wasanaethau bws. Er eu bod nhw'n hen, maen nhw'n well i'r amgylchedd na myfyrwyr yn gyrru i'r campws yn unigol. Roedd rhaid i fyfyrwyr aros o gwmpas i ddal bws a defnyddio bysiau prysur iawn. Mae'n bwysig i ni gadw defnyddwyr bws yn hapus, neu gall pobl ddechrau gyrru.

5. Pam yw popeth mor ddrud? Mae llefydd fel Tafarn Tawe yn rhy ddrud pan fod eu cynulleidfa darged yn fyfyrwyr. A oes angen i'r sefydliadau wneud cymaint o elw?
Chris (Cymdeithasau a Gwasanaethau): Credaf fod bwyd a diod
 Tafarn Tawe werth eich arian. Mae peint o Fosters neu Strongbow ond yn £2, mae te yn costio £1 ac mae plat enfawr o sglodion budr neu nachos yn costio £4 yn unig.

6. Sut wyt ti'n rhoi cymorth neu'n bwriadu rhoi cymorth i gymdeithasau llai?
Chris (Cymdeithasau a Gwasanaethau): Gobeithio bod pawb yn gwybod bod pob math o gymorth ar gael i unrhyw gymdeithas sydd ei angen, beth bynnag ei maint! I ni, mae pob cymdeithas yn gyfartal. Rydw i a Geri wastad ar gael i ateb unrhyw gwestiynau, cynnig cymorth, helpu gosod pethau ar y wefan, bwcio ystafelloedd ac ati. Gobeithiaf fod cymdeithasau newydd yn enwedig, yn gwybod gallent ddod atom ni, gan eu bod nhw newydd sefydlu cymdeithas ac mae hynny fel arfer yn gofyn am lot o gyfathrebu, felly gobeithio bydd cymdeithasau'n cofio bod yr Undeb yn fwy na hapus i helpu unrhyw bryd!

7. Sut ydych chi'n meddwl bydd adeilad newydd yn gwella profiadau cymdeithasol ar y Bae?
Gwyn (Llywydd): Mae'r cynllun am adeilad newydd ar Gampws y Bae yn cynnwys llefydd i fyfyrwyr gymdeithasu, yn ogystal â siopau, siop goffi, bar, a gobeithio clwb nos. Dylai hyn roi mwy o amgylchedd i Gampws y Bae 
a'i wneud yn haws i fyfyrwyr gwrdd â'i gilydd a chymdeithasu tu allan i ddarlithoedd.

8. Beth ydych chi'n ei wneud am y cynnydd mewn achosion o ymosdiadau rhywiol?
Grace (Lles): 
Mae UM wedi sefydlu gr
wp gweithio Adrodd Ymosodiadau Rhywiol mewn partneriaeth â Gwasanaethau Lles y Brifysgol. Rydyn ni yn y broses o hyfforddi aelodau allweddol o staff a fydd yn gallu darparu cymorth addas a pharhaol i'r rhai sydd eu hangen. Rydyn ni hefyd yn sicrhau bod gennym ni well wybodaeth/cyngor ar wefannau UM a'r Brifysgol ac rydyn ni yn y broses o'u diweddaru.

9. A all aelodaeth Chwaraeon Abertawe gynnwys ffioedd ar gyfer pob chwaraeon fel offer a mynychu pob sesiwn?
Sophie (Chwaraeon): Cost aelodaeth Chwaraeon Abertawe yw £20 ar gyfer chwaraeon nad sy'n cystadlu mewn BUCS, ac mae'n cynnwys yswiriant personol ac offer, aelodaeth i'r gampfa sy'n £10 yn rhatach, tocyn Varsity rhatach, llogi siwitau d
wr am ddim, llogi racedi sboncen a thenis am ddim, hyfforddiant Cymorth Cyntaf rhatach, hyfforddiant dyfarnu rhatach, a 2 docyn parcio i bob clwb. Cost aelodaeth ar gyfer clybiau BUCS yw £28 sy'n cynnwys popeth uchod a thrafnidiaeth BUCS, amseroedd hyfforddi blaenoriaethol a llety BUCS. Dyletswydd y clybiau unigol yw gofyn eu haelodau am ffioedd hyfforddi, felly ni all Chwaraeon Abertawe osod pris safonol i bawb.

10. Pam yw rhai darlithoedd yn cael eu recordio, a dim rhai eraill?
Chloe (Swyddog Addysg): Mae recordio darlithoedd wedi cael ei godi yn aml fel rhywbeth a all helpu myfyrwyr a rhywbeth rydyn ni'n gweithio arno. Yn anffodus, mae'r cynlluniau i gyflwyno hyn i'r holl Brifysgol dros y flwyddyn academaidd nesaf wedi cael eu hoedi oherwydd diffyg cyllid. Gobeithio bydd hyn yn cael ei gyflwyno yn y flwyddyn academaidd 20/21, a gobeithiaf fydd y Swyddogion Addysg nesaf yn parhau i wthio amdano. Yn y cyfamser, mae colegau'n gweithio'n galed i gyflwyno recordio darlithoedd ar gyfer modiwlau unigol gan ddefnyddio dulliau llai costus (fel recordio sain ynghyd â'r cyflwyniad), ond penderfyniad y darlithwyr unigol yw hynny.

Y cyfle nesaf i fyfyrwyr ddal yr Undeb i gyfrif yw Mai 14ain yn Fforwm Myfyrwyr Campws y Bae. Croeso i bob myfyriwr fynychu a dweud eu dweud!

Swansea University Students' Union