Student Forum

Fforwm Myfyrwyr

Student Forum

At this week's Student Forum, there was plenty of debate on three motions submitted by students.

The results of the motions are as follows:

Here are the unanswered questions from the forum:

1. What actions are available for students to take if they feel experiences of different treatment/discrimination by students and staff? Is there support available?
Yes there are two forms of support available through our Advice and Support Centre. There is a Harassment Adviser Network in which they can help support any staff or students who feel they have been discriminated against. There is also an option of Mediation, in which the Welfare Advisers can meet with those involved and help try and resolve or ease the situation. - Grace, Welfare Officer

2. What process or rule would you change next year as President?
One thing that I'll be working on next year is making improvements to the schedules in order to ensure that they are relevant and up to date. - Grace, Welfare Officer

3. When will provisions be made for societies Freshers’ Fayre and will table assignments be made ready before the summer?
Great question! This is something that has always been done over the summer to give all societies, including those recently created, the opportunity to get involved in requesting a stall for Freshers' Fayre. Stall allocation then happens once registration closes, and between Societies and Sports Clubs, the tables are assigned. This also gives those societies that have been delayed in electing their new committees an opportunity to also still have a stall allocated to them so that they, along with all other societies, can recruit members! - Geri, Societies and Services Coordinator

This was the last student forum of the year, so there are no more opportunities to submit motions until the next academic year. In the meantime, if you have any issues or questions, just let us know!

Fforwm Myfyrwyr

Yn y Fforwm Myfyrwyr, cafodd tri chynnig eu cyflwyno a’u dadlau arnynt gan nifer o fyfyrwyr.

Dyma ganlyniadau'r cynigion:

Dyma'r cwestiynau nad sydd wedi cael eu hateb yn barod:

1. Beth all myfyrwyr eu gwneud os ydynt yn cael profiadau o wahaniaethu gan fyfyrwyr a staff? Oes cymorth ar gael?
Mae yna ddau fath o gymorth ar gael trwy'r Canolfan Cyngor a Chymorth. Mae Rhwydwaith Cynghorwyr Aflonyddu lle ellir helpu unrhyw aelod o staff neu fyfyriwr sy'n teimlo eu bod nhw'n cael eu gwahaniaethu. Mae hefyd opsiwn o Gyfryngu, lle all y Cynghorwyr Lles gwrdd â'r bobl a cheisio datrys neu wella'r sefyllfa. - Grace, Swyddog Lles

2. Pa broses neu reol byddet ti'n ei newid flwyddyn nesaf fel Llywydd?
Un peth rwy'n bwriadu gweithio arno'r flwyddyn nesaf yw gwella'r atodlenni i sicrhau bod popeth yn berthnasol ac wedi'i ddiweddaru. - Grace, Swyddog Lles

3. Pryd fydd darpariaethau ar gael i gymdeithasau ar gyfer Ffair y Glas a bydd aseiniadau ar gael cyn yr haf?
Cwestiwn gwych! Mae hwn yn rhywbeth sydd wastad wedi cael ei wneud dros yr haf i roi cyfle i gymdeithasau, gan gynnwys y rhai newydd, y cyfle i fod yn rhan drwy ofyn am stondin yn Ffair y Glas. Mae dosbarthiad stondinau yn digwydd unwaith i gofrestru gau ac mae byrddau'n cael eu dosbarthu rhwng cymdeithasau a chlybiau chwaraeon. Mae hyn hefyd yn rhoi cyfle i gymdeithasau sydd wedi ethol eu pwyllgorau newydd yn ddiweddar y cyfle i gael stondin er mwyn iddyn nhw, a chymdeithasau eraill, allu recriwtio aelodau! - Geri, Cydlynydd Cymdeithasau a Gwasanaethau

Hwn oedd fforwm myfyrwyr olaf y flwyddyn felly does dim cyfleoedd arall i gyflwyno cynnig tan y flwyddyn academaidd nesaf. Tan hynny, gad i ni wybod os oes gennyt ti unrhyw broblemau neu gwestiynau!


Swansea University Students' Union