Candidate for the position of Non-Portfolio Trustee

Image for Malgozata Ragosko

Malgozata Ragosko

I don’t have the flair to express how strongly I feel about Discovery. All the great things about this organisation have already been said by people more elaborate with their words than I am. And yes, to Discovery I am one of many. One of many who have been rescued from their shells, supported through their worries, taught new skills, given new friends, and most importantly – accepted for who they were. But Discovery to me is not one of many. It’s this one and only, borderline magical place (because how realistic is it to have exclusively great people in one place?), which has contributed so significantly to shaping me as a person. And I believe, becoming a trustee is my opportunity to finally give back at least some of what I have received.

My journey with Discovery started with one-off events. I went on to regularly volunteer on the Supported Volunteering Scheme and PenPal project, somehow convinced Discovery to hire me as an intern, and have also become a PC for ConnectGroups. If it weren't for the support and encouragement from every staff member and numerous fellow volunteers, it wouldn't have been possible.

“If you’re scared, do it scared” sounds cheesy, but it works. I can lead a team, speak to people I don’t know, and work independently. I didn’t know I can, but Discovery has been the safe space, where I got the chance to prove it to myself. It was here that I honed my organisational skills: paperwork and administrative tasks, delegation, team management, juggling multiple responsibilities and competing goals. I don’t shy away from getting out of my comfort zone. Challenges excite me. But I also know that for great things to happen, courage needs to be accompanied by reason. And I believe, trustee position is the next courageous but reasonable step for me to take.

My excellent written and oral communication skills are demonstrated consistently across diverse professional settings. Through patience, empathy and open-minded approach I establish relationships and effectively engage even with those initially hesitant. My proudest achievements have also happened in Discovery whilst working with our supported volunteers. I posses a high level of adaptability and can work in unpredictable and emotionally challenging situations. No 2 days are the same in Discovery. And I believe, this lived experience is not just advantageous, but crucial when working in a more “background” role that being a trustee is.

My friends and family sometimes think that I am a part of a cult because I speak about Discovery so much, but never mention anything bad. And I understand the disbelief because I myself still find it difficult to grasp my luck of finding such a beautiful community. And I don’t want to let go just yet. I feel committed to making this little charity survive and thrive. Discovery has taught me how rewarding it is to give. And I want to do it through the responsibility that comes with being a trustee.