Chris Padikkal is January's ROTM

Chris Padikkal has won Rep of the Month for January - find out more about why Chris won and how YOU can get involved

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Chris Padikkal has won Rep of the Month - but what does Chris do?

Which School is Chris part of?

Chris is in the School of Health and Social Care

Why did Chris win?

Chris has been a proactive and passionate rep, welcoming new students, co-charing the Student Staff Forum, and being part of Student Engagement in the WhatUni Survey campaign.

As well as this, Chris has contributed to student feedback on the MyEngagement platform with colleagues from the compliance department and is part of the intervention meetings with the PVC, always making it a point to raise students' concerns during meetings.

Just so he could be of help to students and staff during the week, Chris decided to move his placements to the weekend - what a legend!

We are taking this opportunity to commend Chris on his dedication to making students have a better university experience when it comes to their academics, and for also working as hard alongside his studies!

How can I get involved?

Not a Rep yet? Find out more about becoming a Rep here

Reckon your rep could be ROTM for February? Find out how to nominate here!

Academic Reps