Fake Freshers?

No, we're not talking weird AI Freshers-bots (not this year anyway). We're warning you about the fake Freshers events and how to avoid them

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No, we're not talking weird AI Freshers-bots (not this year anyway). We're warning you about the fake Freshers events and how to avoid them.

The ONLY place to get OFFICIAL Swansea University Freshers packages is from our Freshers website.

Here are some tips on how to avoid unofficial events & fake promoters during Freshers 2023:

  • We are ONLY using QR codes this year
  • We are NOT selling wristbands this year - any company asking you to purchase a wristband is NOT part of any of our official Freshers packages
  • We DO NOT sell packages through third-party websites - you can ONLY get OFFICIAL packages through our website
  • We DO NOT have a separate Instagram page for our events - the ONLY OFFICIAL IG page for Swansea Uni Freshers 2023 is @swanseaunisu
  • We will absolutely NOT contact you via Snapchat or Whatsapp or Whateverapp about our Freshers events
  • We DO NOT use dafty terms like "100% Unofficial" - why would we, we're official, baby ;)

If you keep all the above in mind when looking to purchase your Freshers package, you'll avoid the fakers!

Swansea University Students' Union