Your SU is Changing

We're making some changes here at your SU - the changes won't affect our students, but we feel it's important to keep you up-to-date with what's happening

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We’re making some changes here at your Students’ Union and while a lot of these changes will have little impact on how we support you with campaigns and services, we feel it’s important to let you know.

What's Changing at your SU

The Students’ Union is proposing to incorporate during the Summer of 2023. This process will create a new separate legal entity for the Students’ Union, and the change from an unincorporated charity to an incorporated charity will result in the following changes:

  • Limit the personal liability of Trustees
  • Help us attract Trustees
  • Simplify the process of entering into contracts
  • Allow the SU to hold assets in its own name
  • SU will have a new company and charity number

There will be no impact to Union staff (including our student staff team) or their employment contracts, nor will there be any impact on our student groups, such as societies and sports teams. There will also be no significant changes to the day-to-day operations of the Union or any of its services, you can still expect us to be here for you making sure your University experience is the best it can be.

If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to contact us at any time on

Swansea University Students' Union