Nominations are OPEN!

Nominations are officially OPEN for the 2023/24 Autumn Elections! Part-Time Officers, Subject Reps, and NUS Delegate positions are all up for grabs! You in?

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Nominations are OPEN for the Autumn 2023 Elections!

NUS Elections

The Students’ Union is all about helping students feel seen and heard! This is your chance to get involved and help positively change our student’s university experience.

If you or a friend want to make a positive change or are passionate about improving the student experience, here’s your chance to get involved and have your voice heard.

Get your nominations in by 12 p.m. on 5th October!

Positions we're looking to fill:


  • A-Typical Students Officer
  • Postgraduate Students Officer


  •  NUS Wales
  • NUS UK – 7 delegates 

For more info on our election timeline, click here.

If this is something you think you'd be interested in, make sure to get your nominations in by 12 p.m. on 5th October.

Subject Rep Elections

Subject Reps are the voice for students on each course and the go-to for any students with issues related to their course or college, and they help to make up the Education Zone which is led by your Education Officer.

Subject Reps represent students on their course, taking any feedback (positive or negative) to the department to make sure it gets sorted. If anything becomes a bigger issue or is relevant to the whole School, the School Reps will then assist and may work with the Education Officer to get it sorted!

There are hundreds of Subject Reps as there are hundreds of courses - there are 2 undergraduate and 1 postgraduate taught School Reps per School, and there are 11 Schools in total across the 3 faculties.

By being a Rep you not only get to be the leader for your course you also get loads of discounts and vouchers across campus – plus some snazzy freebies

For more info on becoming a Rep, click here!

If this is something you think you'd be interested in, make sure to get your nominations in by 8th October.

Pwb lwc!

Official Elections