
How can the Students' Union support your needs?

We are hosting a virtual opinion panel to help us better understand the challenges and issues facing students and staff who identify as disabled and how we can better support them. We encourage participation from any individual who identifies as having a disability (both visible and hidden), or long-term health conditions that impact everyday activities, including those who identify as being neurodiverse (e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism).

The aim of the workshop is:
- For us to understand how we can better support students and staff who have disabilities or are from vulnerable groups.
- To develop a clearer understanding of the current challenges and potential barriers faced by the community who identify as disabled.
- To explore and identify areas for an action plan for SUSU to be collated in a report to take to SMT.
-To promote and develop networks between participants.

We are aware that an online session may present participants with unique challenges, therefore if you require any particular adaptations or other support for the session, please contact us.
Katie will be providing an update on how the feedback from the previous Ramp Your Voice has been used to make

Email your Welsh Affairs Officer, Katie, to get the Zoom details for this meeting, via katie.phillips@swansea-union.co.uk