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Your Elected Officers

Upcoming Events

Sin City Sin Savers (Seniors)
19th September
Sin City
JCs Karaoke
20th September
JCs, Swansea
Karaoke Night
Cove Surge Launch
20th September
Entertainments Fresh and Free 2024
21st September
Singleton Campus
JCs Quiz Night
22nd September
JCs, Swansea
Quiz Night
Swansea University Students' Union Battle of the Bars!
23rd September
Wind street, Swansea
JCs Open Mic
23rd September
JCs, Swansea
Open Mic Night
Swansea University Students' Union Pitsa a Pheint
24th September
Cove, Swansea
Gwahoddiad i glas-fyfyrwyr i ddod i adnabod ein cymdeithasau, Academi Hywel Teifi a Swyddog Materion Cymraeg, wrth gael pitsa a pheint AM DDIM!
Sin City Hustle - Freshers Week
24th September
Sin City, Swansea
Jiu Jitsu Jiu Jitsu does Freshers Fayre 2024
25th-26th September
Swansea Bay Sports Park, Sketty Lane, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 8QB
Swansea University Jiu Jitsu is coming to Freshers Fayre 2024! You will find us at stall 88 on the 25th and 26th of September, 10:00-18:00. We have plenty of insight for anyone interested in physical and mental improvement via jiu jitsu. Come say hi!
GWA BUCS Super Rugby Swansea vs Cardiff Met
25th September
St Helens
25th September
Jack Murphy's
Economics Swansea Economics Fresher's Event
26th September
The Potters Wheel - JD Wetherspoon
Get to know your fellow Economics classmates in this social! We will be meeting up in Wetherspoons (The Potters Wheel) and then go out clubbing in the city centre.
Sin City Sin Savers
26th September
Sin City
Ultimate Frisbee Taster Session #1
27th September
Bay Campus Sports Hall
Ultimate frisbee is a non-contact, self-refereed team sport that offers intensity, fun and competition to players. Swansea Ultimate welcomes people of all identities and skill levels to give it a go!
Fencing Fencing Taster Session
27th September
Bay Campus Sports Hall
Come out and try fencing HERE IS SWANSEA!!! All skill levels are welcome and we are really looking forward to seeing lots of new faces :)
Korfball Swansea Uni Korfball Club taster session
27th September
Singleton sports hall (Swansea bay sports park sports hall)
Swansea Uni Korfball Club are hosting a taster session for new members, you probably haven't heard of Korfball so why not give it search and then come and join us.
Cove Surge
27th September
28th September
Sin City
Swansea University Students' Union International Night
28th September
Cove, Swansea
Are you an international student starting Uni this September? Looking to meet new friends and fellow international students?
Swansea University Students' Union Swansea Student Shopping Night
1st October
The Quadrant , Swansea
Ultimate Frisbee Taster Session #2
1st October
Sketty Lane Rugby Pitches
Ultimate frisbee is a non-contact, self-refereed team sport that offers intensity, fun and competition to players. Swansea Ultimate welcomes people of all identities and skill levels to give it a go!
Snowriders Bambu Frat Tuesday
1st October
Bambu Beach Bar
Sin City Hustle
1st October
Sin City, Swansea
Taliesin Arts Centre Darkfield: Flight
2nd October - 3rd November
Swansea University Campus, Swansea
Profiad clywedol ymdrochol yn cymryd rhan ar Campws Singleton | An immersive audio experience taking place on Singleton Campus
Ultimate Frisbee Taster Session #3
2nd October
The Recreation Ground
Ultimate frisbee is a non-contact, self-refereed team sport that offers intensity, fun and competition to players. Swansea Ultimate welcomes people of all identities and skill levels to give it a go!
GWA GWA Wednesdays
2nd October
Jack Murphy's
Sin City Sin Savers
3rd October
Sin City
Ultimate Frisbee Taster Session #4
4th October
The Recreation Ground
Ultimate frisbee is a non-contact, self-refereed team sport that offers intensity, fun and competition to players. Swansea Ultimate welcomes people of all identities and skill levels to give it a go!
JCs JCs Drageoke
4th October
JCs, Swansea
Join JC's favorite queen Emma Rhoid for the 1st Drageoke of the year!