Swansea University Students' Union Announces Annual General Meeting

Swansea University Students' Union has officially announced the date for its Annual General Meeting (AGM), inviting all students to engage in a crucial assembly that shapes the future of student governance and university life, and key celebration points marking operational success of the organisation.


Key AGM Highlights:

The AGM is not just a statutory requirement; it's a cornerstone of student involvement at Swansea. This year, the agenda includes:

  • Trustees’ Report: An in-depth report will detail the Union's activities and initiatives since the previous meeting, highlighting how the Union has represented and supported the student body.
  • Presentation of Accounts: The financial accounts of the Union will be formally presented, providing transparency and accountability.
  • Affiliations Approval: Students will review and approve the list of affiliations of the Union.
  • Open Floor Questions: A session dedicated to students raising questions directly to the Trustees, fostering an open dialogue about the Union's direction and decision-making processes.
  • Operational milestones: Presneting the operational wins and struggles the SU has faced this year. 

Importance of Student Participation:

The AGM is a pivotal event that allows students to influence the direction and efficacy of their Union. "Participation in the AGM is not just a right but a significant opportunity for all students to voice their concerns, propose changes, and understand the workings of their Union," stated Joshua Harrigan, Lead Insights and Democracy Co-Ordinator at Swansea University Students’ Union.

Motion Submission Encouraged:

Students are encouraged to actively contribute by submitting motions to the Student Voice at "Student Motions" by the deadline of 23:59 PM on Tuesday, 23rd April. This is an opportunity for students to propose meaningful changes and suggest new initiatives within the Union and the broader university environment.

Smooth Transition for Student Groups:

The AGM also signals the start of the handover period for student groups. New committee members will begin their handover periods from their seasoned commitee leads, preparing them for their roles and the formal training provided by the Union, ensuring a smooth governance transition and continuity.

Swansea University Students’ Union is committed to facilitating a dynamic and inclusive AGM. All students are urged to attend and participate in shaping a vibrant and responsive student community.

Event Details

Tuesday 30th April 
18:00 - 19:30

Lecture Room A
Fulton House
Singleton Park Campus 

Student Voice