Friday 14 June 2019

CU Weekend Away

CU Weekend Away


From Friday 14th - Sunday 16th June, the CU will be heading away for its annual Summer Retreat and it's not gonna be one to miss!!

We will be able to spend time together going through 1 Thessalonians (tbc), getting to know each other more and praising our great Saviour for all he has done for us over the year and the amazing ways he continues to sustain us! We will also be saying goodbye to those sadly leaving us at the end of the semester.

We will be staying at Woodcroft Christian Centre in Chepstow, and the cost of the weekend will be £45. Please fill in the attached form (which has all the info) and return it to Taj, Pete or myself with the payment as soon as possible, either online or in person. We will also have printed copies of the forms on Monday at CU, and online payments should be possible asap after then.

We pray that it will be such an encouraging weekend for us all and we hope that every one of you can make it!

Friday 14 June 2019

midnight - 11:59pm