Event List

Events in October

Mon 7th October

Guided Meditation @ The Lighthouse
8:30am - 9am
The Lighthouse, Singleton Campus, Swansea
Guided Meditation in the Lighthouse, Singleton

Wed 9th October

Clwb Cymraeg (Welsh Club)
noon - 1:15pm
The Taliesin, Singleton (Upstairs), Swansea
Clwb Cymraeg / Welsh Club

Fri 11th October

Murder: Staged
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Taliesin, Swansea
Featuring forensics, reconstructed real-life crime scene walk-throughs and a deep dive into cases..| Yn cynnwys gwaith fforensig, ail-greu golygfeydd o drosedd go iawn a phlymio'n ddwfn i achosion..

Mon 21st October

Guided Meditation @ The Lighthouse
8:30am - 9am
The Lighthouse, Singleton Campus, Swansea
Guided Meditation in the Lighthouse, Singleton
Jenny Ryan - Out of the Box
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Taliesin, Swansea
Join Jenny on a journey through her life and times | Ymuna â Jenny ar daith trwy ei bywyd

Wed 23rd October

Clwb Cymraeg (Welsh Club)
noon - 1:15pm
The Taliesin, Singleton (Upstairs), Swansea
Clwb Cymraeg / Welsh Club

Thu 24th October

LGBT+ Faith Gathering
7pm - 8:30pm
LGBT+ Faith Gathering
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