Sunday 29 March 2020

SUCES & SUMTB Clyne Valley Litter Pick

Clyne Valley Country Park

SUCES & SUMTB Clyne Valley Litter Pick


Swansea University Mountain Biking Club and the Conservation and Ecology Society are working together to clean up Clyne Valley Country Park, Swansea's only country park.

We will be in the car park by Clyne with the litter pick bags and sticks at midday!

Clyne has a wide variety of biodiversity, glacially affected geological features, and is an industrial heritage site- as well as having a lot of mountain biking trails, which are super important for the community.

Neither SUCES or SUMTB want Clyne to be covered in litter, so join us in cleaning it up!

Sunday 29 March 2020

noon - 1:30pm

Clyne Valley Country Park