Spring Elections 2023

This is to notify all students that there is an Elections period upcoming. Could you be our future SU President? Perhaps you are passionate about getting the most out of your educational experience here at Swansea, have you looked at our Full-Time Education Officer position? There's plenty of roles available, both Full and Part-Time.

YOUR University. YOUR Union. YOUR Experience. 

 Have you got what it takes to make a difference for over 24,000 SU students? 

Every year Student Union's across the country elect current students to lead their Union and whilst the academic year is only halfway through, election season is returning once more. In this election, you'll be electing your Full-Time Officers and Part-Time Officers for the 2023 – 2024 Academic Year. Nominations open Monday 23rd January.  

Already interested in running to secure the best graduate job there is? Head on over to our elections page to find out more info! 

We have made a few changes to the election process this year. Firstly, we have extended the manifesto deadline to sit outside of the application period. This was to ensure that each and every candidate gets the support they need in writing a winning and achievable manifesto. Secondly, we have shortened the voting period from a week to four days. We heard from you that having the voting period open for so long put additional pressures on voters and candidates alike.

Keep an eye on our website and socials for more information to come. 

Official Elections