Mohammad's Story

“I was feeling overwhelmed, but Get ACTIVE has helped me feel better in just six weeks.”

When Mohammad started feeling a bit overwhelmed, he lacked motivation to study. He started sleeping a lot and was not eating very healthily.

But six weeks ago, the PhD in Computer Engineering student from Saudi Arabia started attending Swansea University’s Get Active sessions and he is already feeling the benefits:

“I was feeling a little bit depressed. Studying can be a bit stressful. There’s a lot of reading to do with my PhD and I knew I needed a break and do something different,” said Mohammad.

Discovering the Get ACTIVE programme

Get ACTIVE is an affordable physical activity programme which aims to help students and staff get more active, have fun and meet new people.  Mohammad attended Get ACTIVE's 1-2-1 Lifestyle Support Session, which are confidential and is designed for those who may have be struggling with poor mental health and wellbeing.  The team suggested he try Outdoor Fit sessions; outdoor circuit-based sessions, based on both Bay and Singleton campus. 

“It makes me feel good to do it. I need some space away from the books and the studying. I meet new people and we chat about different things, and it helps me forget about studying for a while.”

Get ACTIVE can improve your mental health and wellbeing

“It’s great to go and exercise but meeting new people has also been really important. It’s felt like a huge relief to find the Get Active sessions. It’s changed my mindset.”

Mohammad is from Saudi Arabia and, back home, he was playing football three or four times a week. But since starting his studies in Swansea at the beginning of 2023, he has found it tricky to find the time to exercise “It has been difficult to juggle keeping fit and healthy with my studies.  And I miss home – the culture here is very different. But doing the Get ACTIVE sessions help me feel better.  I don’t want to join a football team or the rugby team and play competitively.  I just want to meet new people and have some fun, get a bit fitter and feel less overwhelmed.  I’m definitely going to continue doing the Get Active sessions because I already feel so much better.”

If you would like to get moving and meet new people, register for Get ACTIVE today and get booking your sessions.


Get Active