Welsh Affairs Officer
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Welsh Affairs Officer

Carys Dukes


Carys is originally from Cricieth in North Wales. She studied BA Public Relations and Media, through the medium of Welsh. For her three years at Swansea she's gradually worked herself into the Students' Union, through being part of Y Gym Gym ( Welsh Society ) and Media Society committee in her second year as secretary. In her final year, she did a media internship with the Swansea University Football Club. She also loves a GWA Wednesday!

A proud Cymraes ( Welsh woman ) and is a massive Arsenal women's supporter. You can always find her by the beach, in Cricieth or at Swansea. 

She hopes to bring more awareness to the beautiful Welsh culture, heritage and language in her role as Welsh Affairs Officer.



From Your Officer

Carys Dukes

I fod mewn gweithle, i godi ymwybyddiaeth am Gymreigid, yn fraint dwi'n gwerthfawrogi. Gyda'n gilydd, credaf gallwn feithrin gwerthfawrogiad o ein treftadaeth ieithyddol gyfoethog, ein traddodiadau bywiog a'i hanes cyfareddol. Yn fy amser o fewn yr undeb, rwyf eisiau croesawu pawb i barchu a mwynhau beth mae'n golygu i fod yn Gymraeg, wrth astudio yn Brifysgol Abertawe. Gadewch i ni gychwyn ar yr ymdrech foddhaus hon, gan ysbrydoli cariad at Gymru i hamryfal agweddau, wrth greu amgylchedd sy'n meithrin dysgu gydol oes a thwf personol ar gyfer y boblogaeth myfyrwyr.

To be in a role, which I can spread awareness for everything Welsh, is an honour.Together, we can foster a vibrant Welsh community by fostering an appreciation for its rich linguistic heritage, vibrant traditions, and captivating history. For my time in our union,I want to welcome everyone to into the joys of what it means to be Welsh, while studying at Swansea University. This endeavour, not only will inspire a love for Wales but the oppurtunity to create an enviornment that nurtures lifelong learning and personal growth for the student population.


Roles and Responsibilities

Roles & Responsibilities

I champion Welsh student interests, voicing concerns to the university. Collaborating with peers and staff, I enhance Welsh cultural engagement through events, campaigns, and initiatives. As a liaison between students and the university, I influence policies for Welsh representation and inclusion. My leadership ensures Welsh student needs are addressed, fostering a dynamic, supportive, and culturally enriched campus community.


What I'm Working On

Adapt the use of Welsh language on campuses, through music, sporting clubs and societies.

Early Stages

The Welsh Government is hoping to reach a goal of million Welsh speakers by 2050. I would like to increase oppurtunities for students to learn Welsh and about the culture, while living in Wales. 

Creating a welcoming inclusive community to all students, to learn about the heritage and culture. 


  • Ensure students are aware that the Welsh societies on campuses are wecloming to Welsh speakers, second language students, learners and non-Welsh speaking students.
  • Create regular sessions on campus for students to learn Welsh, through fluent students - ensuring support and resources are available to students learning or wanting to learn. 
Increase the opportunities for students to engage in Welsh culture.

Early Stages

Creating a welcoming inclusive community to all students while studying at a Welsh University, to learn about the beautiful culture and heritage. 


  • Allow students to experience, the sporting culture in Wales, through conducting events on campus during the Six Nations.
  • Increase awareness of national Welsh holiday's, such as St David's Day and National Welsh Music Day. 
  • Create regular posts and sharing content on events in Swansea, regarding Welsh music and culture. 
  • Creating termly trips for students to engage with Welsh history. 
Ensure students studying through the medium of Welsh are supported and their voices heard.

Early Stages


  • Conduct student and staff forums regularly within school's, comparing student experinece. 
  • Listening to student voice through, open office, survey's, and group discussions, in order to improve issues that are affecting students' time while studying. 
  • Ensuring new students studying through the medium of Welsh, are aware of their oppurtunities, with the Coleg Cenedlaethol and Academic Hywel Teifi.