Big Move Out Tips

It's that time of year again, we've put some handy tips and reminders together for you to move out of your student house.

As your time at Swansea University comes to an end, unfortunately, it’s time to start thinking about the dreaded moving-out day. Packing up your rooms can be overwhelming and filled with emotion, so here are a few things that can help make the process a little bit easier.

  • Start to de-clutter early - In the weeks leading up to your final day in your accommodations, start to organise your stuff. After numerous nights out, themed socials, events, and more we know there are probably things under your bed and in your drawers that could do with a sort through. By sorting through what you want to keep, the things you no longer need, and the things that need to go straight in that bin your final days in sunny swans should be far less stressful – and gives you more time to enjoy Swansea while you still can!
  • The Pink Stuff and Magic Erasers - Drinks spilled on your carpet? Blue tack residue on your walls? Fake tan guys and girlies we know you’ve managed to get some on your walls! It’s time to treat yourself to a bottle or tub of the pink stuff! It’ll make those stubborn stains (that you know you should’ve cleaned sooner) much easier to get rid of! Go one step further and double up with a Magic Eraser to get any marks out of your bedroom walls, floors, and desks.
  • Start packing up gradually - Consider packing up your stuff gradually. For instance, pack those winter jumpers and coats away first and hope that a warm Swansea Summer is on the cards for us! Try packing up a section of your room every day for a few days leading up to your last week. Why spend your last few days packing up all your belongings, when you could spend it making those last few memories
  • Dust your rooms - We know you’ve not dusted that uni room of yours, so it's time to get the dusters out! Dust those surfaces and your skirting boards – give those landlords no reason to deny you your deposit
  • Hoover your rooms – Hoovering makes a big difference, who knows what’s hiding in those carpets and rugs so make sure to pull the hoover out and give those carpets and rugs a clean
  • Mop your floor - We know pres can get messy and drunk you definitely didn’t properly clean up the kebab you dropped on your bedroom floor, so get the mop and bucket out and clean those wood floors. This only applies if your accommodation has wooden or hard flooring – please don’t mop your carpets!
  • Clean your windows - Consider giving your windows a wipe, a cloth, and some window cleaner will work wonders on those fingerprints all over your windows!
  • Clean your bathrooms – Make sure that all the bathrooms in your house/halls are clean and disinfected, use cleaning products such as Domestos, anti-bac wipes, the Pink Stuff, and glass cleaner to ensure that your bathrooms are all clear for your landlord and next year’s tenants.
  • Use cardboard boxes – To make moving your things out easier, go out and buy, or ask shops for spare boxes if you’ve spent all your student loans, this will make moving out so much easier by having all your things in one place.
  • Label your storage boxes – If you’re moving a lot of things out at once it’s easy to forget where everything is stored, so start labeling your storage boxes to make unpacking easier for yourself once you move home.
  • Check everywhere in your house for items that you may have left behind – In the panic to pack all your things quickly it’s easy to leave something behind. Before you leave, make sure that you check all your kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom cupboards as well as wardrobes, under the bed, and don’t leave any surprises behind for next year’s tenants.
  • Don’t leave the cleaning to the last minute – It’s the job we all dread doing but it has to be done, so get cleaning out of the way sooner rather than later so you can enjoy your last few weeks in Costa Del Swan stress-free.
  • Clear out some of your things in advance – This will make moving out a lot easier if you gradually move some of the things that you no longer need or use out. For example, take all your winter clothes home to declutter your room and reduce the workload for yourself when you move out fully (maybe leave a couple of jumpers behind with Swansea’s unreliable weather).
  • Take everything off your walls – You might love the Oasis poster on your wall but it’s not to everyone’s taste, make sure you take everything off your walls when leaving such as posters, pictures, lights, etc.
  • Paint over any marks on walls – It happens to the best of us, we all are guaranteed to leave a mark or two behind on the walls so try and paint over anything that might have tainted the walls like command strips, blue tac, fake tan, etc.
  • Collectively clean communal areas – It’s not fair to leave all the communal cleaning to one or two people, so make sure that you’re pulling your weight when cleaning communal areas, an idea would be to allocate roles to each person you’re living with so that jobs are shared equally between all housemates.

Wrth i dy amser ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe ddod i ben, yn anffodus mae'n amser i feddwl am y diwrnod symud allan ofnadwy. Gall pacio dy ystafell fod yn llethol ac yn llawn emosiwn, felly dyma rai pethau a all helpu i wneud y broses ychydig yn haws.

  • Dechreua gael gwared ar annibendod yn gynnar - Yn yr wythnosau cyn y diwrnod olaf, dechreua drefnu dy bethau. Ar ôl nifer o nosweithiau allan, nosweithiau cymdeithasol â thema, digwyddiadau a mwy, rydyn ni'n gwybod bod pethau o dan y gwely ac yn y droriau a allai wneud â thaclus. Drwy drefnu’r pethau rwyt ti am ei gadw, y pethau nad oes eu hangen mwyach, a’r pethau sydd angen mynd yn syth yn y bin, dylai’r dyddiau olaf mewn Abertawe heulog fod yn llawer llai o straen – ac yn rhoi mwy o amser i ti fwynhau Abertawe!
  • The Pink Stuff a Magic Erasers - Diodydd wedi'u gollwng ar y carped? Gweddill tac glas ar y waliau? Dynion a merched lliw haul ffug, rydyn ni'n gwybod dy fod ti wedi cael rhai ar y waliau! Mae’n bryd trin dy hun i botel neu dwb o’r Pink Stuff! Bydd yn gwneud y staeniau ystyfnig (rwyt ti'n gwybod y dylet ti fod wedi'u glanhau'n gynt) yn llawer haws cael gwared arnyn nhw! Cer un cam ymhellach gyda Magic Erasers i gael unrhyw farciau allan o waliau, lloriau a desgiau dy ystafell wely.
  • Dechreua bacio’n raddol - Er enghraifft, pacia’r siwmperi a'r cotiau gaeaf yn gyntaf a gobeithio bod Haf Abertawe cynnes ar y gweill i ni! Ceisia bacio rhan o dy ystafell bob dydd am ychydig ddyddiau cyn yr wythnos olaf. Pam treulio dy ddyddiau olaf yn pacio dy holl eiddo, pan allet ti ei dreulio yn gwneud atgofion olaf
  • Llwcha dy ystafell - Rydyn ni'n gwybod nad wyt ti wedi llwchio'r ystafell, felly mae'n bryd cael gwared ar y llwchyddion! Llwcha’r arwynebau a byrddau sgertin – paid â rhoi unrhyw reswm i’r landlordiaid wrthod dy flaendal i ti
  • Hwfera dy ystafell – Mae hwfro yn gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr, pwy a wyr beth sy’n cuddio yn y carpedi a’r rygiau, felly gwna’n siwr dy fod yn tynnu’r hwfer allan i roi glanhad i’r carpedi a’r rygiau
  • Sycha’r llawr - Rydyn ni'n gwybod bod partion yn gallu bod yn flêr ac yn feddw, yn bendant nad wyt ti wedi glanhau'r cebab a gaeth ei ollwng ar lawr yr ystafell wely, felly defnyddia fop a bwced allan i lanhau’r lloriau pren. Mae hyn ond yn berthnasol os oes gan dy lety loriau pren neu galed – paid â mopio carpedi!
  • Glanha’r ffenestri - Ystyria roi lliain a glanhawr ffenestri arnynt i gael gwared ar yr olion bysedd dros y ffenestri!
  • Glanha dy ystafell ymolchi – Gwna’n siwr bod yr holl ystafelloedd ymolchi yn y ty/neuaddau’n lân ac wedi’u diheintio, defnyddia nwyddau glanhau fel Domestos, cadachau gwrth-fag, Pink Stuff a glanhawr gwydr i sicrhau bod yr ystafelloedd ymolchi yn glir ar gyfer y landlord a tenantiaid y flwyddyn nesaf.
  • Defnyddia focsys cardbord – I’w gwneud hi’n haws symud dy bethau allan, cer i'w prynu, neu gofynna i siopau am focsys sbâr os wyt ti wedi gwario dy fenthyciad i gyd, bydd hyn yn gwneud symud allan gymaint yn haws trwy gael dy holl bethau mewn un lle.
  • Labela dy flychau storio - Os wyt ti'n symud llawer o bethau allan ar unwaith mae'n hawdd anghofio lle mae popeth wedi'i storio, felly dechreua labelu dy flychau storio i'w gwneud hi'n haws dadbacio ar ôl symud cartref.
  • Gwiria bobman yn y ty am eitemau y gallet ti gadael ar ôl – Yn y panig i bacio dy holl bethau’n gyflym mae’n hawdd gadael rhywbeth ar ôl. Cyn i ti adael, gwna’n siwr dy fod yn gwirio dy holl gypyrddau cegin, ystafell ymolchi ac ystafell wely yn ogystal â chypyrddau dillad, o dan y gwely a phaid â gadael unrhyw syrpreis ar ôl i denantiaid y flwyddyn nesaf.
  • Paid â gadael glanhau tan y funud olaf – Dyna’r gwaith rydyn ni i gyd yn ofni ei gwneud ond mae’n rhaid ei gwneud, felly cer ati i lanhau yn gynt yn hytrach nag yn hwyrach er mwyn i ti allu mwynhau yr wythnosau olaf yn Costa Del Swan yn rhydd o straen.
  • Cliria rai o dy bethau ymlaen llaw - Bydd symud yn raddol rai o'r pethau nad wyt ti eu hangen mwyach neu'n eu defnyddio yn ei gwneud hi'n llawer haws symud allan. Er enghraifft, cer â dy holl ddillad gaeaf adref i gael gwared ar annibendod dy ystafell a lleihau'r llwyth gwaith wrth symud allan yn llwyr (efallai gad ychydig o siwmperi ar ôl gyda thywydd annibynadwy Abertawe).
  • Tynna bopeth oddi ar y waliau – Efallai dy fod wrth dy fodd â’r poster Oasis ar y wal ond nid yw at ddant pawb, gwna’n siwr dy fod yn tynnu popeth oddi ar y waliau wrth adael fel posteri, lluniau, goleuadau ac ati.
  • Paentia dros unrhyw farciau ar y waliau - Mae'n digwydd i'r gorau ohonom, rydyn ni gyd yn sicr o adael marc neu ddau ar ôl ar y waliau felly ceisia beintio dros unrhyw beth a allai fod wedi llygru'r waliau fel stribedi gorchymyn, tac glas, lliw haul ffug ac ati.
  • Glanha ardaloedd cymunedol ar y cyd – Nid yw’n deg gadael yr holl lanhau cymunedol i un neu ddau o bobl, felly gwna’n siwr dy fod yn gwneud dy ran wrth lanhau ardaloedd cymunedol, syniad fyddai dyrannu rolau i bob person sy’n byw yno fel bod swyddi'n cael eu rhannu'n gyfartal rhwng bawb.


Swansea University Students' Union