Your Officer Team

Your officers have all been really busy this term! Here's some of their highlights...

Donations for Bolton Students
Following the Fire at Bolton University accomodation, the team reached out to students and the community to collect donations to help the students affected. 



The team helped to raise over £23,000 with their Movember campaign which included lots of events, from movie nights to quiz nights and suicide prevention training. They finalised the month with a MO'Ball.

Housing Tips
Your Welfare Officer Ana hosted housing drop in sessions on both campuses to help students who are looking for a new home. From finding flatmates to helping with any general issues or questions!

This term she also updated the Mental Health Guide, ran a Hate Crime Awareness Week, attended a sustainability conference in Nottingham and arranged a post-bonfire night beach clean.

Black History Month 

Your Education Officer Teresa organised a range of events for Black History Month - Panel talk, Afrobeat night, debate night, film show, finalising the month with a Cultural Ball.

This term she also arranged Rep training, the Rep conference and launched 'Rep of the month'. 

Ladies Day

Your Sports Officer Ffion organised a very successful Ladies' Day raising over £800 for Coppafeel.

This term she also secured money from the wellbeing department for Mental Health in sport training and funding for Swansea Uni Rowing Club to allow the purcase of two new essential rowing boats.

Hilary Clinton

The team met with Hilary Clinton on her visit to the Uni, and attended her panel talk 'Gutsy Welsh Women'. President Grace also gave a speech about her experiences as a Swansea Uni student and elected Full Time Officer.

This term Grace also worked on a bid to the Welsh Government to focus on Mental Health and Wellbeing on Campus, to offer students the opportunity to access free Mental Health training and become leaders of a community of connectors. 

Welsh Language

Your Welsh Affairs Officer Megan secured free Welsh lessons for SU staff, organised a Welsh taster session for the International Welcome Day and held the first Welsh Student Forum night! 

This term she also joint held a welcome breakfast with Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol and Academi Hywel Teifi, represented Swansea Uni Welsh students on the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol academic board and wrote a document on the Welsh policy within the SU.


As part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, your Societies and Services Officer Ines hosted a talk which busted the myth that you need to be involved in business to be business like!

This term, she also launched the SU app, Society of the month programme and helped part-time officers to organise International Students' Day and Grateful Greetings at Christmas events.

To find out what else the team have been up to, give them a follow on instagram - @SUSUofficers.

Mae eich swyddogion wedi bod yn brysur iawn y tymor hwn! Dyma rai o'r uchafbwyntiau...

Rhoddion i Fyfyrwyr Bolton

Yn dilyn y tân yn llety Prifysgol Bolton, estynnodd y tîm i fyfyrwyr a'r gymuned i gasglu rhoddion i helpu'r myfyrwyr a gafodd eu heffeithio.


Helpodd y tîm i godi dros £23,000 gyda'u hymgyrch Movember a oedd yn cynnwys llwyth o ddigwyddiadau, o nosweithiau ffilm a chwis i hyfforddiant atal hunanladdiad. Gorffennodd y mis gyda'r MO'Ball.

Awgrymiadau Tai

Cynhaliodd eich Swyddog Lles, Ana, sesiynau galw heibio ar gyfer tai ar y ddau gampws i helpu myfyrwyr sy'n chwilio am dy newydd. O ddod o hyd i gydletywr i helpu gydag unrhyw broblemau neu gwestiynau cyffredinol!

Y tymor hwn, mae hi hefyd wedi diweddaru'r Canllaw Iechyd Meddwl, cynnal Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Troseddau Casineb, mynychu cynhadledd cynaliadwyedd yn Nottingham a threfnu sesiwn lanhau'r traeth ar ôl Noson Tân Gwyllt.

Mis Hanes Pobl Dduon 

Trefnodd eich Swyddog Addysg, Teresa, amryw o ddigwyddiadau ar gyfer Mis Hanes Pobl Dduon - trafodaeth banel, noswaith Afrobeat, noswaith o ddadlau, noson ffilm a gorffennodd y mis gyda Dawns Amlddiwylliannol.

Y tymor hwn, trefnodd hi hyfforddiant Cynrychiolwyr, cynhadledd Cynrychiolwyr a lansiwyd 'Cynrychiolydd y mis' hefyd.

Diwrnod y Merched

Trefnodd eich Swyddog Chwaraeon, Ffion, Diwrnod y Merched llwyddiannus iawn gan godi dros £800 ar gyfer Coppafeel.

Y tymor hwn, llwyddodd i gael arian ar gyfer Iechyd Meddwl o fewn hyfforddiant chwaraeon gan yr adran lles, ac arian ar gyfer Clwb Rhwyfo Prifysgol Abertawe iddynt allu prynu dau gwch rhwyfo newydd.

Hilary Clinton

Fe wnaeth y tîm cwrdd â Hilary Clinton ar ei hymweliad i'r Brifysgol a mynychu ei thrafodaeth banel 'Gutsy Welsh Women'. Fe wnaeth y Llywydd, Grace, araith am eu profiadau fel myfyriwr Prifysgol Abertawe ac fel Swyddog Llawn-amser etholedig.

Y tymor hwn, mae Grace hefyd wedi gweithio ar gais i Lywodraeth Cymru i ganolbwyntio ar Iechyd Meddwl a Lles ar y Campws, i gynnig myfyrwyr y cyfle i gael mynediad at hyfforddiant Iechyd Meddwl a bod yn arweinwyr cymuned o gysylltwyr. 

Yr Iaith Gymraeg

Llwyddodd eich Swyddog Materion Cymraeg, Megan, i gael gwersi Cymraeg ar gyfer staff UM, trefnu sesiwn flasu Cymraeg ar gyfer Diwrnod Croeso Rhyngwladol a chynnal y noson Fforwm Myfyrwyr Cymraeg gyntaf erioed!

Y tymor hwn, cynhaliodd hi frecwast croeso ynghyd â'r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol ac Academi Hywel Teifi, wedi cynrychioli myfyrwyr Cymraeg Prifysgol Abertawe ar fwrdd academaidd y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol ac wedi ysgrifennu dogfen ar bolisi'r Gymraeg o fewn UM.


Fel rhan o Wythnos Entrepreneuriaeth y Byd, cynhaliodd eich Swyddog Cymdeithasau a Gwasanaethau, Ines, drafodaeth a wnaeth chwalu'r chwedl bod angen bod yn rhan o fusnes i gael ymennydd busnes!

Y tymor hwn, mae hi hefyd wedi lansio ap UM a rhaglen Cymdeithas y Mis, ac wedi helpu i drefnu Diwrnod Myfyrwyr Rhyngwladol a'r digwyddiadau Cyfarchion Diolchgar y Nadolig.

I weld beth arall mae'r tîm wedi'i wneud, dilynwch nhw ar instagram @SUSUOfficers.
Swansea University Students' Union