
The 1st of Movember has arrived! Here's how to get involved.

The 1st of Movember has arrived! 

Movember is all about raising money and awareness around men's health issues such as suicide, testicular cancer and prostate cancer.

You can raise money for Movember any way you like, but here are some of our challenges to get involved in: 

  • Grow a glorious moustache by doing no shave November  
  • Participate in #MoveForMovember by walking, jogging, running or moonwalking 60km throughout the month (or you can set your own target!). Our total aim for the University is to travel 6000 km (that's from Swansea to Dubai!). 
  • Set your own challenge! Push yourself to do something different - 50 press-ups every day, cycle the distance from Swansea to London, eat vegetables every day...! 

Anyone wishing to take part will need to make an account on the Movember website or app. You'll want to become a part of our Movember team for staff and students, Swansea SU 20-21 team, and the University challenge page, Swansea university challenge, where you can see our collective fundraising efforts. 

Throughout the month we want to see updates of everyone's amazing facial hair, and we will be celebrating weekly how far we have travelled towards our #MoveForMovember goals. So, regularly take photos of your furry face and keep your distance travelled updated on your Movember account. 

Mae Tachwedd 1af wedi cyrraedd!

Bwriad Movember yw codi arian ac ymwybyddiaeth ynghylch materion iechyd dynion fel hunanladdiad, canser y ceilliau a chanser y brostad.

Gallwch chi godi arian ar gyfer Movember unrhyw ffordd y dymunwch, ond dyma rai o'n heriau i gymryd rhan ynddynt:

  • Tyfu mwstas gwych trwy beidio ag eillio drwy fis Tachwedd
  • Cymryd rhan yn #MoveForMovember trwy gerdded, loncian, rhedeg neu ddawnsio 60km trwy gydol y mis (neu gallwch chi osod eich targed eich hun!). Ein nod fel prifysgol yw teithio 6,000km (y pellter o Abertawe i Dubai!)
  • Gosod her eich hun! Gwthiwch eich hun i wneud rhywbeth gwahanol - 50 ymwythiad bob dydd, beicio'r pellter o Abertawe i Lundain, bwyta llysiau bob dydd ...!

Bydd angen i unrhyw un sy'n dymuno cymryd rhan greu cyfrif ar wefan neu ap Movember. Dewch yn rhan o'n tîm Movember ar gyfer staff a myfyrwyr, tîm UM 20-21 Abertawe, a thudalen her y Brifysgol, her Prifysgol Abertawe, lle gallwch chi weld ein hymdrechion codi arian.

Trwy gydol y mis, rydyn ni am weld diweddariadau o wallt wyneb anhygoel pawb, a byddwn ni'n dathlu'n wythnosol pa mor bell rydyn ni wedi teithio tuag at ein nodau #MoveForMovember. Felly, tynnwch luniau o'ch wyneb blewog yn rheolaidd a diweddarwch eich pellter ar eich cyfrif Movember.

Swansea University Students' Union