Need to Talk Right Now?

It’s vital that when people reach out for support or share their experiences of ill mental health that they are treated with dignity, respect and empathy. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, support is here and you will be listened to.

It’s vital that when people reach out for support or share their experiences of ill mental health that they are treated with dignity, respect and empathy. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, support is here and you will be listened to.

Need to talk right now?

These services are for anyone who's struggling. 

They won't judge you. 

They're free, they're anonymous, and they're always open

Additionally we have the Students' Union & University Services: 

Mae'n hanfodol pan fydd pobl yn estyn allan am gefnogaeth neu'n rhannu eu profiadau o iechyd meddwl gwael eu bod yn cael eu trin ag urddas, parch ac empathi. Os wyt ti neu rywun rwyt ti'n ei adnabod yn dioddef o feddyliau hunanladdol, mae cefnogaeth yma a bydd rhywun yn gwrando arnat ti.

Os wyt ti angen siarad â rhywun nawr?

  • Ffonia'r Samariaid ar 116 123 (ledled y DU)
  • Tecstia SHOUT i 85258 (ledled y DU)
  • Ffonia C.A.L.L. ar 0800 132 737 (Cymru yn unig)
  • Ffonia Papyrus HOPELINEUK ar: 0800 068 4141 (ledled y DU)
  • Ffonia GIG ar 111 (Cymru yn unig)
  • Ffonia 999 mewn argyfwng (ledled y DU)

Mae'r gwasanaethau hyn ar gyfer unrhyw un sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd.

Ni fyddant yn eich beirniadu.

Maen nhw am ddim, maen nhw'n ddienw, ac maen nhw wastad ar agor.

Hefyd mae Gwasanaethau'r Brifysgol ac Undeb y Myfyrwyr isod:

Swansea University Students' Union