go on ... tell us what you *really* think
Ever heard of the National Student Survey (NSS)? It’s more than just a survey - it’s your chance to shape the future of your course!

What is the National Student Survey (NSS)?
- NSS is a UK-wide, annual student survey that helps universities and students’ unions know what they’re doing well and address what needs to be improved.
Why should you care? Because your voice matters!
- Only you and your fellow students know what it is like studying on your course
- So, the NSS has been designed to capture your views on the areas that matter to you
- We, as a University and Student Union, will use your feedback to make real changes to the student experience

Shhhh... It's a secret!
- Your responses are strictly confidential and anonymised before being shared.
- The anonymised NSS results are also published on the Discover Uni website which is designed to help prospective students decide what & where to study.
Who's eligible?
- NSS is mostly open to final-year undergraduates. Students on flexible part-time programmes will typically be surveyed during their fourth year of study.
- All eligible students will be contacted - so keep an eye out on your emails or phone!
Pop over to Taliesin Create on Monday 3rd February at Singleton Campus, or The Hideaway on Tuesday 4th February at Bay Campus, to share your feedback and enjoy free food, games, crafts, music and more!