The Big Move Out

The Big Move Out

This short guide is intended to help you consider everything you need to before moving out of your student accommodation for the summer. Hopefully, if you follow these tips, it will increase the likelihood of you getting your full deposit back, as well as giving you some handy tips for tying up loose ends this year.

Normally, we would be launching our annual Donate, Don’t Ditch campaign, where you can donate any unwanted household items for incoming students next year. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to facilitate it at the moment due to COVID-19. Most charities aren’t able to receive donations currently either, so we suggest you keep a hold of everything until you can make donations, or get in touch with your landlord and ask if they are willing for you to donate these items to the property.

Social Distancing When Moving Out

As we adapt to the ‘new normal’ in most aspects of life, moving out of student accommodation has had to change too. Once your tenancy comes to an end, you are now able to travel to and from your rented property to move out.

However, you will have to bear in mind Social Distancing rules when it comes to moving out, especially if a number of your housemates are also returning to the property to move out.

South Wales Police guidance states, “For Universities…in South Wales…students collecting belongings fall within the moving home exemption to Regulation 8…such attendance at premises should be for a minimal period and involve the lowest possible number of people at one time.  Social distancing should be observed throughout. This guidance is based on the law in Wales and students may wish to consult police forces outside of South Wales. …we don’t want…everyone turning up [at the] same time and this has to be done sensibly.”


This is one of the most common reasons for losing out on your deposit. Most tenancy agreements will include a section stating expectations of cleaning before leaving your property.

You should do your best to leave the property in as clean a state as you can. Devoting ample time to do this before you leave, will give you a good chance of avoiding unnecessary charges and getting your deposit back.

As a result of COVID-19, we would advise you to scrub surfaces, door handles and bathrooms with a cleaning detergent. We would also recommend doing this between each of you and your housemates visits to move out (if you’re moving out at different times).

Other things to consider:

  • Carpets – This could be as easy as vacuuming the floors, but if you’ve split something over the course of the year, you’re best getting some soap and water and scrubbing them out! There are places around Swansea where you can hire a carpet cleaning machine (some tenancies may ask for this to be done in any case); if that is the case, make sure to keep the hire receipt as proof!
  • Windows – Some agreements may require inside and outside windows to be cleaned. If the outside ones do, try to find a window cleaner and if possible, again, get a receipt.
  • Dust – An easy one to overlook, but another way to avoid deductions. Make sure to go around everything in the house and check for dust.
  • Lightbulbs – Some tenancy agreements may state a charge for replacements of lightbulbs, in which case it will probably work out cheaper for you to replace them yourselves instead of incurring a charge.
  • Kitchen appliances – Make sure to defrost the fridge and freezer once they are empty, give the oven a clean, and make sure all appliances are switched off and unplugged.
  • Take photos – Just in case there is a dispute over the state the property is left in, take timestamped photos of the property to show the condition you left it in.


Take a final meeting reading that you can give to your utility companies to receive a final bill from them. It’s a good idea to take a timestamped photo of the final meter readings just in case there are any errors or disputes.

If you forget to take a reading and send it on to your utility companies, it could mean you end up paying more than what you actually used.

You may want to consider forwarding proof of your final bill being paid to your landlord. This may help speed up getting your deposit refunded.

If you have a TV license, you may be able to get a refund if you don’t need your license during the Summer holidays.


Read through your tenancy agreement or ask your landlord for information on how long you can expect to wait to receive your deposit back. Once your landlord has checked the property and if there are no proposed deductions, you should expect your deposit back in full in a few working days.

You may have signed a joint tenancy agreement, in which case the ‘lead tenant’ will receive the info about the deposit. It may be the case that this person receives the full deposit and then it’s their job to send it out to the rest of the tenants. Make sure this person is willing and able to sort this out, and that you have each other’s bank details.

If your landlord lodges a proposed deduction that you feel is unfair, you are able to register a dispute with your relevant deposit protection scheme (information of which on your landlord uses, should have been provided on move-in).

Be aware that some deposit protection schemes have a 90-day limit on registering a dispute, so don’t miss out if this is the case. More information can be found about UK regulations on deposit protection schemes here.

Shelter Cymru also provides some useful tips and help with this.

If you need any further guidance, don’t hesitate in getting in touch with our Advice and Support Centre who are still on-hand to help you with any issues when moving out. They can be contacted via or 01792 295 821.


Once you’ve moved everything except the kitchen sink into your car, you need to dispose of any rubbish you have left. Swansea Council has provided a webpage for students looking for guidance on recycling and disposing of waste.

If you leave any waste in the house, your landlord is likely to charge for its removal, so it’s highly recommended to sort it out yourselves; either use the regular weekly collection or arrange a drop off at the local tip or recycling centre.


Some landlords will require a time to be arranged for keys to be returned. Get in touch with your landlord or check your tenancy agreement to see what is their preferred method for returning them. If keys are returned late, you could get a charge for it.

Post Redirection

The Royal Mail has an online portal for you to arrange redirection of your mail.

Don’t forget to update your University account, bank, and any other agencies that you have a new address.

Returning Books

As the libraries on Singleton and Bay Campuses are both still closed, you are able to return any borrowed library books to our Costcutter shop in Fulton House on Singleton Campus. This will make sure you avoid any late return charges.


Welsh Government Guidance

Swansea Council 

Citizens Advice

Shelter Cymru

Rent Smart Wales

National Code Coronavirus Guidance 

Symud Allan

Bwriad y canllaw fer hon yw eich helpu i ystyried popeth sydd angen ei wneud cyn symud allan o’ch tai fel myfyrwyr. Gobeithio, os ydych chi’n dilyn yr awgrymiadau hyn, y bydd yn cynyddu’r tebygolrwydd y byddwch yn cael eich blaendal llawn yn ôl a byddwch yn gallu clymu pennau rhydd at ei gilydd.

Fel arfer, bydden ni’n lansio ein hymgyrch flynyddol Donate, Don’t Ditch, lle gallwch roi unrhyw eitemau cartref diangen i fyfyrwyr sy’n cyrraedd y flwyddyn nesaf. Yn anffodus, nid ydyn ni’n gallu ei hwyluso ar hyn o bryd oherwydd COVID-19. Nid yw’r mwyafrif o elusennau yn gallu derbyn rhoddion ar hyn o bryd chwaith, felly rydyn ni’n awgrymu eich bod yn cadw popeth tan i chi allu gwneud rhoddion, neu gysylltu â’ch landlord a gofyn a ydynt yn barod i chi roi’r eitemau hyn i’r ty.

 Cadw Pellter Cymdeithasol Wrth Symud Allan

Wrth i ni addasu i’r ‘normal newydd’ yn y rhan fwyaf o agweddau ar fywyd, mae symud allan o lety myfyrwyr wedi gorfod newid hefyd. Unwaith i’ch tenantiaeth ddod i ben, gallwch deithio yn ôl ac ymlaen i'r ty er mwyn symud allan.

Fodd bynnag, bydd rhaid i chi gofio rheolau Cadw Pellter Cymdeithasol wrth symud allan, yn enwedig os yw nifer o'ch cyd-letywyr hefyd yn dychwelyd i'r ty i symud allan.

Mae cyngor Heddlu De Cymru yn nodi, “Ar gyfer prifysgolion... yn Ne Cymru... mae myfyrwyr sy’n casglu eitemau yn dod o dan eithriad symud ty i Reoliad 8... dylid mynychu’r ty am gyn lleied o amser â phosib a gyda’r cyn lleied o bobl ar yr un pryd. Dylid dilyn rheolau cadw pellter cymdeithasol ar bob adeg. Mae’r cyngor hwn yn seiliedig ar y gyfraith yng Nghymru ac efallai bydd myfyrwyr am ofyn i heddluoedd tu hwnt i Dde Cymru.... nid ydyn ni eisiau gweld pawb yn mynychu ar yr un pryd ac mae rhaid gwneud hwn yn synhwyrol.”


Dyma un o'r rhesymau mwyaf cyffredin dros golli allan ar eich blaendal. Bydd y mwyafrif o gytundebau tenantiaeth yn cynnwys adran sy'n nodi disgwyliadau glanhau cyn gadael y ty.

Dylech wneud eich gorau i adael yr eiddo mewn cyflwr mor lân ag y gallwch. Bydd neilltuo digon o amser i wneud hyn cyn i chi adael yn rhoi siawns dda i chi osgoi taliadau diangen a chael eich blaendal yn ôl.

O ganlyniad i COVID-19, byddem yn eich cynghori i brysgwydd arwynebau, dolenni drysau ac ystafelloedd ymolchi gyda glanedydd glanhau. Byddem hefyd yn argymell gwneud hyn rhwng pob un o’ch ymweliadau chi a'ch cyd-letywyr (os ydych chi'n symud allan ar wahanol adegau).

Pethau eraill i’w hystyried:

  • Carpedi – Gallai hyn fod mor hawdd â hwfro'r lloriau, ond os ydych chi wedi sarnu rhywbeth yn ystod y flwyddyn, mae'n well i chi gael rhywfaint o sebon a dwr a'u sgwrio allan! Mae yna lefydd o amgylch Abertawe lle gallwch chi logi peiriant glanhau carped (gall rhai tenantiaeth ofyn i hyn gael ei wneud beth bynnag); os yw hynny'n wir, gwnewch yn siwr eich bod yn cadw'r dderbynneb llogi fel prawf!
  • Ffenestri – Efallai y bydd rhai cytundebau yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i lanhau ffenestri y tu mewn a'r tu allan. Os oes rhaid glanhau’r rhai allanol, ceisiwch ddod o hyd i lanhawr ffenestri ac, os yn bosibl, unwaith eto, mynnwch dderbynneb.
  • Llwch – Un hawdd i'w anwybyddu, ond ffordd arall o osgoi colli blaendaliadau. Gwnewch yn siwr eich bod chi'n mynd o gwmpas popeth yn y ty i chwilio am lwch.
  • Bylbiau golau – Efallai y bydd rhai cytundebau tenantiaeth yn nodi tâl am amnewid bylbiau golau, ac os felly mae'n debyg y bydd yn rhatach i chi eu disodli'ch hun yn lle codi tâl.
  • Offer Cegin – Gwnewch yn siwr eich bod yn dadrewi’r oergell a’r rhewgell unwaith eu bod nhw’n wag, glanhewch y popty, a gwnewch yn siwr bod yr holl offer yn cael eu diffodd a’u datblygio.
  • Lluniau – Rhag ofn y bydd anghydfod ynghylch sut mae'r ty yn cael ei adael, tynnwch luniau o'r ystafelloedd ar yr amser i ddangos y cyflwr y gwnaethoch ei adael ynddo.


Cymerwch ddarlleniad terfynol o’r mesurydd er mwyn i chi allu ei roi i'ch cwmnïau cyfleustodau i dderbyn bil terfynol ganddynt. Mae'n syniad da i dynnu llun stamp amser o'r darlleniadau mesurydd terfynol rhag ofn y bydd unrhyw wallau neu anghydfodau.


Os ydych chi'n anghofio cymryd darlleniad a'i anfon at eich cwmnïau cyfleustodau, gallai hyn olygu eich bod chi'n talu mwy na'r hyn roeddech chi'n ei ddefnyddio mewn gwirionedd.

Efallai yr hoffech ystyried anfon prawf o'ch bil terfynol yn cael ei dalu i'ch landlord. Efallai y bydd hyn yn cyflymu ad-dalu'ch blaendal.

Os oes gennych chi drwydded deledu, efallai bod modd i chi gael ad-daliad os nad oes angen eich trwydded yn ystod yr Haf.


Darllenwch trwy'ch cytundeb tenantiaeth neu gofynnwch i'ch landlord am wybodaeth ar ba mor hir y gallwch chi ddisgwyl aros i dderbyn eich blaendal yn ôl. Ar ôl i'ch landlord wirio'r eiddo ac os nad oes unrhyw ddidyniadau arfaethedig, dylech ddisgwyl eich blaendal yn ôl yn llawn mewn ychydig ddyddiau gwaith.

Efallai eich bod chi wedi llofnodi cytundeb tenantiaeth ar y cyd, ac os felly bydd y ‘prif denant’ yn derbyn y wybodaeth am y blaendal. Efallai bydd y person hwn yn derbyn y blaendal llawn ac yna eu gwaith nhw yw ei anfon at weddill y tenantiaid. Sicrhewch fod y person hwn yn barod ac yn gallu datrys hyn, a bod gennych chi fanylion banc eich gilydd.

Os yw'ch landlord yn cyflwyno didyniad arfaethedig yr ydych chi'n teimlo sy'n annheg, gallwch chi gofrestru anghydfod â'ch cynllun amddiffyn blaendal perthnasol (dylai gwybodaeth y mae eich landlord yn ei defnyddio, fod wedi'i darparu wrth symud i mewn).

Byddwch yn ymwybodol bod gan rai cynlluniau amddiffyn blaendal derfyn o 90 diwrnod ar gofrestru anghydfod, felly peidiwch â cholli allan os yw hyn yn wir. Mae mwy o wybodaeth ar gael am reoliadau'r DU ar gynlluniau amddiffyn blaendal yma

Mae Shelter Cymru hefyd yn cynnig awgrymiadau defnyddiol ar gyfer hwn.

Os oes angen unrhyw gyngor pellach arnoch, peidiwch ag oedi cyn cysylltu â'n Canolfan Gyngor a Chymorth sy'n dal wrth law i'ch helpu gydag unrhyw faterion wrth symud allan. Gellir cysylltu â nhw ar neu 01792 295 821.


Ar ôl i chi symud popeth i'ch car, mae angen i chi gael gwared ar unrhyw sbwriel sydd gennych ar ôl. Mae Cyngor Abertawe wedi darparu tudalen we i fyfyrwyr sy'n chwilio am arweiniad ar ailgylchu a chael gwared ar wastraff

Os byddwch chi'n gadael unrhyw wastraff yn y ty, mae'n debygol y bydd eich landlord yn codi tâl am ei symud, felly argymhellir yn gryf eich bod chi’n cael gwared arno eich hun; naill ai drwy ddefnyddio’r casgliad wythnosol rheolaidd, neu drefnu gollwng yn y ganolfan ailgylchu leol.


Bydd angen amser ar rai landlordiaid i ddychwelyd allweddi. Cysylltwch â'ch landlord neu gwiriwch eich cytundeb tenantiaeth i weld beth yw'r dull sydd orau ganddyn nhw ar gyfer eu dychwelyd. Os dychwelir allweddi yn hwyr, fe allech chi godi tâl amdano.

Ailgyfeiriad y Post

Mae gan y Post Brenhinol borth ar-lein i chi drefnu ailgyfeiriad eich post.

Peidiwch ag anghofio rhoi gwybod i’ch cyfrif Prifysgol, banc, ac unrhyw asiantaethau eraill y mae gennych gyfeiriad newydd.

Dychwelyd Llyfrau

Gan fod y llyfrgelloedd ar Gampws Singleton a Champws y Bae ar gau, gallwch ddychwelyd unrhyw lyfrau llyfrgell a fenthycwyd i'n siop CostCutter yn Fulton House ar Gampws Singleton. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau eich bod yn osgoi unrhyw daliadau dychwelyd hwyr.


Cymorth Llywodraeth Cymru

Cyngor Abertawe

Cyngor ar Bopeth

Shelter Cymru:

Rhentu Doeth Cymru

Cyngor Coronafeirws y Cod Cenedlaethol

Swansea University Students' Union