Thomas Katsaitis has won Rep of the Month for November - find out more about why Thomas won and how to get involved
Thomas Katsaitis has won Rep of the Month - but who is Thomas, and what does he do?
Who is Thomas Katsaitis?
Thomas is the academic rep for the School of Mathematics and Science
Why did Thomas win?
Thomas went above and beyond, giving the students in his school a voice by helping to fill nearly all the subject rep positions within maths and also chaired the Maths and Computer Science forum
Thanks to his excellent communication skills, he has been able to engage with the students on his course, advocating for them along the way
Not only did he do that, but he was also able to gather feedback from the students and pass this on to the head of staff in his school, allowing them to solve a lot of the issues raised
This all shows that Thomas made it a priority to help improve the university experience that the students in his school have!
How can I get involved?
Find out more about becoming a Rep here
Reckon your rep could be ROTM for December? Find out how to nominate here!