Support to Students Affected by the Israel-Gaza Conflict

The recently escalated violence and loss of innocent lives in Palestine and Israel has been deeply upsetting to see over the recent days and weeks. Our thoughts are with everyone affected by this in our community and abroad.

Support Available to Students Affected by the Israel-Gaza Conflict

The recently escalated violence and loss of innocent lives in Palestine and Israel has been deeply upsetting to see over the recent days and weeks. Our thoughts are with everyone affected by this in our community and abroad. 

Students including those who are from this part of the world or those who have family currently living there may be incredibly distressed by these events.

If you have been affected by any of this, please remember that support is available to you. If you need it, you can access support through the following services:

The SU Advice & Support Centre

Swansea University Listening Service

Wellbeing Service

TogetherAll Wellbeing App

We are also concerned about the reported increase in anti-Semitic incidents over the past few days. If you feel that you have been the target of any such incidents, please report it through our dedicated, Hate Crime Reporting Portal, where you will be supported and the matter dealt with by our specialist advisors.

Cefnogaeth Ar Gael i Fyfyrwyr sy’n Cael eu Heffeithio Arnynt gan Wrthdaro Israel-Gaza

Mae'r trais a marwolaethau o bobl ddiniwed diweddar ym Mhalestina ac Israel wedi bod yn ofidus iawn i'w weld dros y dyddiau a'r wythnosau diwethaf. Mae ein meddyliau gyda phawb y mae hyn yn effeithio arnynt yn ein cymuned a thramor.

Efallai y bydd y digwyddiadau hyn yn peri gofid mawr i fyfyrwyr gan gynnwys y rhai sy'n dod o'r rhan hon o'r byd neu'r rhai sydd â theulu yn byw yno ar hyn o bryd.

Os yw hyn wedi effeithio arnoch chi, cofiwch fod cefnogaeth ar gael. Os oes ei angen, gallwch gael gafael ar gymorth trwy'r gwasanaethau canlynol: 

Canolfan Cyngor a Chymorth UM

Gwasanaeth Gwrando Prifysgol Abertawe

Gwasanaeth Lles

Ap Lles TogetherAll

Rydym hefyd yn pryderu am y cynnydd a adroddwyd mewn digwyddiadau gwrth-Semitig dros yr ychydig ddyddiau diwethaf. Os ydych chi'n teimlo eich bod chi wedi bod yn darged i unrhyw ddigwyddiadau o'r fath, adroddwch e trwy ein Porth Adrodd Troseddau Casineb pwrpasol, lle cewch chi gefnogaeth a bydd y mater yn cael ei delio gyda gan ein cynghorwyr arbenigol.

Swansea University Students' Union