Voting Is Open!

Voting is now open for our Autumn Elections! You now have the chance to elect your fellow students to represent you as Part-Time Officers, NUS Delegates, and Subject Reps.

Voting Is Open!

Voting is now open for our Autumn Elections! You now have the chance to elect your fellow students to represent you as Part-Time Officers, NUS Delegates, and Subject Reps.

Part-Time Officers reflect important aspects of our student community and so you should make sure to vote for the one that you feel will do the best job! They will sit on the SU’s Executive Committee and will represent you to the University Senior Management.

Part-Time Officer positions up for election now include:

Commuter Students’ Officer

Postgraduate (Research) Officer

Postgraduate (Taught) Officer

Freshers’ Officer

LGBT + Open Officer (Singleton)

Students with Caring Responsibilities Officer

NUS Delegates represent Swansea students at the National Union of Students UK national and Welsh Conferences. They can make changes that will not only affect Swansea, but Universities all over the UK.

Subject Reps represent you and your course mates with any issues you may be experiencing and work with the Education Officer to feedback to the Uni to solve it. These issues can vary from feedback about the lecture room to the content of the course.

We think these Elections are a pretty big deal, the elected students will have an important say on University-wide decisions and can influence the day-to-day running of the SU and University. Make your voice heard and vote now.

Mae Pleidleisio Nawr ar Agor!

Mae pleidleisio nawr ar agor ar gyfer Etholiadau’r Hydref! Mae nawr gennych chi’r cyfle i ethol myfyrwyr i’ch cynrychioli chi fel Swyddogion Rhan-amser, Cynrychiolwyr UCM a Chynrychiolwyr Pwnc.

Mae Swyddogion Rhan-amser yn adlewyrchu agweddau pwysig o’r gymuned o fyfyrwyr felly sicrhewch eich bod chi’n pleidleisio dros y rhai a fydd yn gwneud y swydd orau! Byddant yn eistedd ar Bwyllgor Gweithredol yr Undeb ac yn eich cynrychioli chi o flaen Uwch Reolwyr y Brifysgol.

Mae’r rolau Rhan-amser sydd nawr yn cael eu hethol yn cynnwys:

Swyddog Myfyrwyr sy’n Cymudo

Swyddog Ôl-raddedig (Ymchwil)

Swyddog Ôl-raddedig (A addysgir)

Swyddog Myfyrwyr y Glas

Swyddog LGBT+ Agored (Singleton)

Swyddog Myfyrwyr a Chyfrifoldebau Gofalu

Mae Cynrychiolwyr UCM yn cynrychioli myfyrwyr Abertawe yng nghynadleddau Undeb Cenedlaethol Myfyrwyr y DU a Chymru. Maent yn gwneud newidiadau a fydd yn effeithio ar Abertawe a phrifysgolion ledled y DU.

Mae Cynrychiolwyr Pwnc yn eich cynrychioli chi a’r bobl ar eich cwrs gydag unrhyw faterion sydd gennych ac yn cydweithio â’r Swyddog Addysg i roi adborth i’r Brifysgol i’w datrys. Gall y materion hyn fod am y ddarlithfa hyd at gynnwys y cwrs.

Credwn ni fod yr Etholiadau hyn yn bwysig iawn, bydd gan y myfyrwyr etholedig safbwynt pwysig ar benderfyniadau’r holl Brifysgol a gallent ddylanwadu sut mae Undeb y Myfyrwyr a’r Brifysgol yn cael eu cynnal bob dydd. Dwedwch eich dweud a phleidleisiwch nawr.

Swansea University Students' Union