Housing Advice

Cyngor am Dai

Common Housing Questions 

1. When should I start looking for a house?
Don't panic - there are plenty of houses to go around so you'll always have somewhere to live! Make sure you get to know the people you’re thinking of living with and don’t rush into anything.

2. What's the difference between an agency and a landlord?
An agency is a company through which an agreement is made between a landlord and tenant for the rental of a property. The agency manages the admin and repairs of the property.
A landlord is a property owner who lets out their house themselves and deals with the tenants directly. 

 3. Who would you recommend renting a house from?
There are pros and cons to both. We work with the Uni to bring you SAS Lettings - we don’t charge admin fees and we have a strict safety standard so there’s no dodgy business. But there are plenty of estate agents in Swansea, so make sure you have a through look around!

 4. Where should I live?
There are five main areas in Swansea where students can live:
- Brynmill: One of the most popular areas to live in, situated right next to Singleton campus and the beach.
- Uplands: Close to Singleton campus and the seafront but slightly further inland.
- Sandfields: Near the City Centre and just a short stroll to Swansea Bay.
- Sketty: At the top of Singleton Park, and a short walk from Singleton campus.
- St Thomas: Ideal for Bay Campus students, just opposite the marina area of Swansea.

5. What else do I need to consider?
The neighbours! It's not just students who live in Swansea, but plenty of families and other individuals too. It’s best to introduce yourself at the start of the year and share your details with them. That way if there are ever any issues, you know who to speak to. This goes for having pre-drinks as well! If you know your neighbour works nights and will be up at 6am, it might be best to avoid hosting it and suggesting a different place instead.

Check out a handy house viewing checklist here.

6. What should I look for in a contract?
Make sure you take a copy of the contract and read it over before signing anything – if you there's anything you’re unsure about, just ask the landlord. If they're no help, pop into our Advice and Support Centre, and we can check over it for you!

7. What is a deposit scheme?
It’s a legal necessity that all deposits are paid into a Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDP). Once you’ve handed over your deposit, your landlord must give you contact details of this scheme within 14 days. The Government approved schemes to look out for are:
- Tenancy Deposit Scheme Ltd
- Tenancy Deposit Solutions Ltd
- Deposit Protection Services

8. What do I do if I can’t get my deposit back at the end of the year?
Get in contact with the Advice and Support Centre, and they'll make sure you're within your rights to get it back, then help you contact your agency/landlord about it.

9. What is Rent Smart Wales?
All landlords in Wales must register with Rent Smart Wales. They’ll get the right training and a licence to show you they’re the real deal, so no funny business. You can check that your landlord is registered or make a complaint about their behaviour at rentsmart.gov.wales.

10. What do I do if someone I'm living with drops out?
This will depend on the kind of contract you signed. Unless you signed a single contract, the rest of the house will be responsible for filling the space. Be sure to try and help support the housemate who's making this decision and come to an agreement on how the room will be paid for if the worst-case scenario happens and you can’t replace them. But don’t worry, there are always people looking for houses!

11. What do I do if I want to move out as you don’t feel comfortable?
Just be honest with your housemates, and remember there was once a time when you all wanted to live together. If you are having difficulties, try to speak it out with each other. If that doesn't work, our Advice and Support Centre are always here to help.

12. How does the bins/recycling system work?
Uplands and Brynmill collection is on a Wednesday and you’ll need to learn what goes where!
Green Week: Put glass and cans in one bag, and paper and card in another, and put out your food bin.
Pink Week: Put plastic in a pink bag and non-recyclables in black bags, and out your food bin.

13. Where shall I park?
Not all houses are lucky enough to provide a space to park, but you can apply for a permit through the council. Remember though that Swansea is quite a heavily populated area and you’ll most likely be living amongst families along with other students. Be mindful and think before bringing your car – ask yourself if you'll really need it? If you do, be mindful of how and where you park!

Cwestiynau Cyffredin am Dai 

1. Pryd ddylwn i ddechrau chwilio am dy?
Paid â phoeni - mae digon o dai i bawb! Sicrha dy fod ti'n dod i nabod y bobl rwyt ti am fyw gyda nhw a phaid â brysio wrth symud mewn. 

2. Beth yw'r gwahaniaeth rhwng asiantaeth a landlord?
Mae cytundebau’n cael eu gwneud rhwng landlord a thenant drwy asiantaeth. Mae’r asiantaeth wedyn yn rheoli’r weinyddiaeth ac unrhyw broblemau gyda’r ty. Landlord yw perchennog ty sy’n rhentu’r ty eu hunain ac yn delio â’r tenantiaid yn uniongyrchol.  

 3. Pwy fyddech chi'n argymell rhentu ty ganddynt?
Mae manteision ac anfanteision i'r ddau. Rydyn ni'n gweithio gyda'r Brifysgol i gynnal SAS Lettings - dydyn ni ddim yn codi ffioedd gweinyddiaeth ac mae gennym ni safonau diogelwch llym felly mae popeth yn ddilys. Ond, mae llwyth o asiantaethau yn Abertawe, felly cofia i wneud bach o ymchwil!

4. Ble dylwn i fyw?
Mae 5 prif ardal i fyfyrwyr yn Abertawe:
- Brynmill: Un o’r ardaloedd mwyaf boblogaidd ger Campws Singleton a’r traeth.
- Uplands: 
Agos at Gampws Singleton a’r traeth, ond yn bellach o’r arfordir. 
- Sandfields: Yn agos at ganol y ddinas ond ddim yn bell o Fae Abertawe. 
- Sketty: Ger Parc Singleton, ddim yn bell o Gampws Singleton. 
- St Thomas: Gwych i fyfyrwyr ar Gampws y Bae, cyferbyn â’r marina.

5. Beth arall sydd angen ei ystyried?
Y cymdogion! Mae teuluoedd ac unigolion yn byw yn Abertawe yn ogystal â'r myfyrwyr. Mae'n syniad da i gyflwyno dy hun ar ddechrau'r flwyddyn a rhannu dy fanylion gyda nhw. Os oes unrhyw broblemau, wedyn rwyt ti'n gwybod pwy i gysylltu â nhw. Mae hyn yn berthnasol wrth gael partïon hefyd. Os wyt ti'n gwybod bod un o'r cymdogion yn gweithio am 6yb, mae'n syniad da i osgoi cynnal parti yn y t
y y noson cynt.

Darllena rhestr o bethau i ystyried wrth weld tai yma.

6. Beth ddylwn i chwilio amdano mewn contract?
Sicrha dy fod ti’n cymryd copi o’r contract a’i ddarllen cyn arwyddo - os nad wyt ti'n deall rhywbeth, gofynna'r landlord. Os nad ydynt yn helpu, dere mewn i'n Canolfan Cyngor a Chymorth i ni wirio popeth!

7. Beth yw cynllun blaendal?
Mae rhaid i bob blaendal gael ei dalu i Gynllun Blaendal Tenantiaid (TDP). Unwaith i ti dalu’r blaendal, rhaid i’r landlord rhoi’r manylion cyswllt i ti o fewn 14 diwrnod.
Y cynlluniau sy’n cael eu cymeradwyo gan y Llywodraeth yw:
- Tenancy Deposit Scheme Ltd
- Tenancy Deposit Solutions Ltd
- Deposit Protection Services 

8. Beth ydw i'n gwneud os nad ydw i'n derbyn fy mlaendal yn ôl ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn?
Cysylltwch â'r Canolfan Cyngor a Chymorth, a byddwn ni'n sicrhau os bod hawl gen ti i dderbyn y blaendal yn ôl.

9. Beth yw Rhentu Doeth Cymru?
Rhaid i bob landlord yng Nghymru gofrestru gyda Rhentu Doeth Cymru. Maen nhw’n derbyn hyfforddiant a thrwydded i ddangos eu bod nhw’n ddilys. Gellid gwirio bod landlord wedi’i gofrestru neu wneud cwyn am ei ymddygiad ar rentsmart.gov. wales.

10. Beth ddylwn i ei wneud os yw rhywun yn penderfynu nad ydyn nhw am fyw yn y ty rhagor?
Bydd hyn yn dibynnu ar y fath o gontract. Oni bai eich bod chi wedi arwyddo contractau unigol, bydd rhaid i weddill y bobl yn y ty chwilio am berson newydd i lenwi'r bwlch. Sicrha dy fod ti'n ceisio helpu'r person sydd wedi penderfynu symud allan a dod i gytundeb ar sut i dalu am yr ystafell os nad oes rhywun i fyw yn ei ystafell. Ond paid â phoeni, mae wastad pobl yn chwilio am dai!

11. Beth os ydw i am symud allan gan fy mod i'n teimlo'n anghyfforddus?
Bydd yn onest gyda'r bobl eraill, a chofia roeddech chi am fyw gyda'ch gilydd ar un adeg. Os nad yw hynny'n gweithio, mae ein Canolfan Cyngor a Chymorth ar gael i helpu.

12. Sut yw'r system biniau/ailgylchu yn gweithio?
Mae casgliad biniau Uplands a Brynmill bob Dydd Mercher a bydd angen dysgu beth sy'n mynd i ble!
Wythnos Werdd: 
Gwydr a chaniau mewn un bag, papur a cherdyn mewn bag arall, a’r bin bwyd.
Wythnos Binc: Plastig mewn bag pinc, popeth nad sy’n ailgylchu mewn bag du, a’r bin bwyd.

13. Ble ddylwn i barcio?
Nid oes gan bob t
y lefydd i barcio, ond gallet ti wneud cais am drwydded drwy'r cyngor. Cofia bod lot o dai yn Abertawe gyda theuluoedd a myfyrwyr. Cyn dod â char, meddylia os oes angen. Os oes, cofia i ystyried pobl eraill cyn parcio!

Swansea University Students' Union